6- Revealing the Secret

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Harry's POV
I was fuming when I got home. I stormed inside and slammed all of the doors that I had opened. "Harry, what are you doing home so early? Is everything okay? Did you get kicked out of school again?" My mom asks, following me up the stairs. "No, mom. I'm fine. Just forget I'm even here." I snap, going into my bedroom. I sit on the edge of my bed and bury my face in my hands. I relax as I feel the bed dip, signalling that my mother had taken a seat beside of me. She rested her hand on my back and rubbed small circles. "I know something's up, and I don't expect you to tell me, but I just want you to know that I'm gonna be okay with whatever it is. If you and Morgan broke up, if you're failing some classes, anything like that, darling." My mom says, pressing a kiss to my tousled hair. I sniffle and lift my head up. "I'm just having a hard time with a friend. I thought everything was going good and then he snapped at me and I don't know what I did." I confess, rubbing my tired face. After a few moments of silence, my mom stands up. "Give him a couple days to think about things and then try to reach out to him. If he's not ready, you have to respect that and leave him alone until he's ready." She says, picking up my dirty clothes from my floor. I nod a little, leaning back on my bed. "I'm going to finish dinner. I'll call you down when it's ready.".

Louis' POV
It had been two days since my argument with Harry. I don't know why I couldn't keep my mouth shut and just let him have his way with me like I had dreamed for so many years. Something went off in me whenever he was so nonchalant about sleeping with me while he had another in mind. I may be in love with him, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to become the other man just so I get to sleep with him and have what I want. Morgan didn't deserve that and neither did the other guy on his mind.

I immediately put my head down when I walk into school. With Harry's threat that he left me with, I was expecting some huge public humiliation stunt to be prepared when I walked in. Maybe there was a banner on my locker that announced my sexuality. Maybe there were some emo jokes that were going to be said to me at lunch. There was none of that though. My breath caught in my throat as I caught sight of him making out with Morgan on my locker. Great. I cleared my throat and tapped Harry on the shoulder. "Excuse me." I say, barely above a whisper. Harry pulls away and looks over his shoulder at me, a smirk forming on his lips. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. What did you say?" He asks, turning his whole body to face me. A crowd gathered around us as I thought of something witty to say. "You heard me." I growl, pushing him to the side. Harry chuckles. "All right, all right." He mutters, circling around me. I gulp and close my eyes momentarily, before opening my locker and shoving my books in. How could he do this? It was as if he had two completely different personalities. One that made me feel warm, and tingly, and cared if I was hurting and one that lived just to see me die a little more inside every time he humiliated me. Before I know it, I'm shoved against the locker and Harry's face is close to mine. This was the last time. He was no longer going to push me around. "Why do you think you can boss everyone around?! What makes you so much better than me?" I ask, my face growing red from the rage. Harry smiles darkly at me. "Plenty of things." He answers, spitting in my face. I think a while, thinking if what I was about to do was worth it. It was horrible. It was disgusting, but I couldn't live like this any longer. "I have a little secret that Harry's been keeping from you all." I say, smiling evilly. I saw the amusement drain from Harry's eyes- only to be replaced with fear and anxiety. The crowd grew even more silent, waiting for me to reveal the secret I had told about.

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