Killer In the Night

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There was talking and laughter coming from Nick as he was on the phone with his best friend, Sidney. They'd been talking for a while because he figured that she could help him out with their homework. When they got that figured out, they spent the most time talking to each other, getting distracted. They were laughing about how Randy humiliated himself at school in front of the cheerleaders.

At least Sidney was still able to laugh even if it was just around him sometimes. She went through a lot last year because of her mother's untimely death. Maureen Prescott got raped and stabbed to death. Sidney was still grieving for her mother in her own way and was trying to cope. Nick felt horrible for her because he was there on the night that it happened. Neither of them could talk about it since. Nick wanted to talk about it to her but never knew if it was the right and appropriate time. He just waited to talk until Sidney was ready. That time never came, and he was completely fine with that.

When Nick noticed the alarm clock on his nightstand, he noticed the time on it which meant that his girlfriend was going to come over soon. They were going to watch a movie. He was dating a cute girl from his English class, Heather Fitzgerald. Their relationship has been going on for three months so far. He just wanted to move on from Sidney and wanted to get his mind off of her. But that was kind of impossible when they were best friends.

"Thanks for helping me out with the math homework," Nick told her. "I think I kinda feel like less of an idiot now."

"You're not an idiot, Nick." Sidney comforted him.

"You're better at math than I am, that's for sure." He muttered. His grades were pretty much average.

"My Dad is like a calculator with numbers. I guess that's where I get it from," She chuckled then mentioned in a softer voice. "He's going to leave tomorrow morning for his business trip."

"Okay, well, if you need anything, Billy or I will be there for you."

"I know. Thanks, Nick."

"No problem, Sid. I've got to go. Heather should be here soon. See you tomorrow, bye."

"Bye, Nick." She said then hung up.

Heather was going to hang out with him, and they'd have dinner together. The doorbell rang from downstairs, and he knew it must be his girlfriend. He walked down the hallway and noticed that his brother's bedroom door was open for once, but there was no sign of him there.

Nick knew some of the places that Billy would most likely be. He was probably at Stu's or wherever. Sidney didn't mention that Billy would visit her house.

As for his father, Hank, Nick didn't really give a crap where his father was. For all he knew, his father was probably out either at a bar or fucking other women. Nick remembered he walked in on his father fucking Maureen Prescott at their house. His father probably thought it was safe to cheat on his own wife when there was no one else around. But Nick returned home from basketball practice early and accidentally walked in on his father going at it with none other than Woodsboro's infamous whore, Maureen Prescott. Nick knew that Sidney's mother was a whore, but he didn't have the heart to tell the truth about it to Sidney. She always put her mother up on a pedestal and Nick couldn't ruin that image for her.

When Nick walked in on his father screwing Maureen's brains out, Hank saw his son and yelled at him to leave and get out. Nick immediately closed the door and left. He couldn't go to Sidney's because he knew that he would tell her what just happened, and he just wasn't ready for that. The same reason why he couldn't go to Stu's was because Billy would be there obviously. Billy would take it just as badly as he did. The last place he could go was the video store where Randy worked at even though he would close it in a couple of hours. He would still have gone anyway. Just to escape from his father's infidelity.

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