Her Savior

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The house was eerily quiet, the only sound the gentle ticking of the clock on the wall.

"Um, are you going to be okay for tonight being by yourself?" Nick asked Sidney, his voice soft and concerned. He couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for her safety. It was as if they were connected in some strange, unspoken way.

"Yeah, I called Tatum before you showed up. I'm going to sleep over at her house until my father comes back." Sidney explained. She was grateful for her friend, but at the same time, she wished she could be alone and didn't have to feel so afraid of what's going on. With Nick here, she didn't feel so alone anymore.

Nick nodded, understanding her desire for safety and companionship. He wanted to be there with her, to protect her, but he knew he had to respect her decision. "Okay, well, I hope you girls have a nice slumber party." He teased, trying to sound casual.

Sidney forced a smile, grateful for his attempt to lighten the mood. "Yeah, it'll be fun. Thanks for coming over, Nick."

Nick nodded, returning her smile. "Anytime. I mean, I'd rather be here with you than at my own house, knowing what might be waiting for me there." His voice was laced with a hint of unease, and she could tell he was still worried about her safety.

They lapsed into silence again, both lost in their own thoughts. The ticking of the clock seemed to echo throughout the room, and the shadows danced on the walls. Despite the tension between them, there was an undeniable comfort in having Nick there. It was as if a part of her didn't want to let go of the connection they'd shared, even if it wasn't meant to be.

What broke their comfortable silence was the ringing from the landline.

Nick remembered the mysterious phone call who had a creepy voice phoned him at his house. He really hoped whoever that was, wasn't calling Sidney. He hated the thought of anyone else taking advantage of her in any way. He didn't want to leave her side, but he knew he should at least check on her.

Sidney got it from the side table on the couch and Nick waited with berated breath for her to pick it up.

"Hello?" Sidney asked and Nick saw her expression and felt relieved when it was someone she knew. "Oh, hey, Tatum. Just come over when you can, okay?"

Nick listened to her speaking with Tatum for a little while and then she hung up.

"So, you're going to stay over at Tatum's house tonight?" he asked, not wanting to push the issue but still feeling responsible for her safety.

Sidney nodded. "Yeah, I think it's for the best. We might even watch some Tom Cruise movie she was talking about." She glanced at the clock and then back to Nick. "Do you want to hang out here a little longer, or...?"

Nick hesitated, not wanting to leave her alone, but also not wanting to smother her. "Well, I could stay until you fall asleep, if that would make you feel better? Or until Tatum shows up for you?"

Sidney considered his offer, grateful for his concern but also wanting some time away from him. How she felt about him was all too much. "Just stay here until Tatum comes. Thanks, Nick."

He nodded, trying to mask his relief. "Okay, just let me know if you need anything." He glanced at the clock as well, not wanting to seem too anxious.

Sidney leaned back against the couch cushions, closing her eyes. The tension between them seemed to ease a little, and she could feel herself starting to relax. She knew Nick was only trying to be nice, but she couldn't help but enjoy having him here. It was nice to not feel so alone.

Time passed slowly, and she lost track of how much time had gone by. The ticking of the clock seemed to be the only sound in the room. She could feel herself starting to drift off to sleep and Nick couldn't help but to smile when she did.

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