Part 3

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My heels clicked against the cold marble of the terrace. With the sun pouring down, I sat in a chair by the lake, my fan moving lazyly. A boating trip was planned, and I was waiting for the rest of the invitees to show up. The king and his kids were joining us too, according to a few others.

Sir Aury appeared, escorting the royal heirs. They laughed and circled him, their heads barely over his waist. Spotting me, the youngster I could only presume was Azha dashed right up

"Hello!" She beamed "Do you want to share a boat with me?" She asked

"It would be an honour" I smiled, and I saw her father making his way over. She dashed to him and said hello in her peculiar way, and I stood up.

A few other nobles showed up, all of them included in the King's inner circle. Some shot me strange glances, others shrugged. They were curious about how a foreign royal already had the king's ear. Well, boo hoo, they don't get to know my secret.

Climbing aboard with Azha, we sailed gently along. The enchantment didn't stop us from getting wet or having everything tilt, though. Azha shouted over to her siblings in another boat, and I stopped her from falling out multiple times. One of her brothers, Opal, dipped his hand into the water to splash someone, and his boat rocked, nearly flipping. The weight of the four people inside held it steady, but as the thrash of water reached our boat, it rocked and tipped, throwing us both into the water. As I submerged, I felt the malicious magic in it, a curse of some sort.

Azha thrashed in the water, and I watched a tiny stream of bubbles leave her mouth as she stopped moving. I was sinking fast, the weight of my skirts too much to counter. We both sank, and I closed my eyes. Magic was a last resort here, but it was worth it-

As I prepared to cast my spell, I felt an arm reach around me. A few moments later, I was tossed up onto the boat, along with Azha, who coughed up water. I looked down and saw Sir Aury's white hair sinking deeper. He soon vanished, with a flick of a powerful, almost draconic, tail.

Azha shivered, and I ordered the boat to follow the others back to shore. Almost immediately, Azha was swarmed by her siblings and her father. I shivered softly, my long-sleeved dress chilling me to the bone. My hair darkened with the added water, and I was grateful my dress was navy blue today, and not white.

A weight was flung around my shoulders, and I felt warm again "You'd best go inside, Lady Ayla." It was the same blue-haired man who called Aury away from me at the reception.

"Thank you" I nodded and retreated indoors.

Sitting in front of a banked fire in a dry dress, I slowly drank a cup of tea from home. It was like being six again, with my mother beside me. The cloak Aury's blue-haired companion had given me lay folded on a side table, and I watched it. No spells were engrained in the fabric, it was a completely normal cloak. 

"Sister" The fire hissed

"Lazerra," I said

"Your brush with the golden knight has not gone unnoticed by Father," She said, and her draconic figure crawled out of the fire, and onto the carpet "He demands you return"

"Tell him why I am here, and I know he shall be pleased," I said "The Lord of Sun Peak has long been his nemesis"

"So that is your mother's grand plan? To fell Sun Peak?" Lazerra asked "But how? You require-" It dawned on her. "Ah" Lazerra murmured "Well, I shall tell Father" She vanished, leaving the faint scent of scorched carpet as she did. I closed my eyes and remembered how wonderful having my mother's arms around me was. 

Soon, sister, you'll be able to sit atop your gilded throne. Soon, we can achieve our goal. Just a little longer, and you'll be free. Soon, sister, soon.

I dreamt of it. 

To see the Lord of Oqane and the Fey realms, in all of his might and majesty. A single crimson eye glanced at me, then to Lazerra, who lounged lazily beside him.

"So, little one. You come to me at last" He rumbled.

"Of course, My Lord. The call was unrelenting"

"Of course it was" He seemed prideful "Are you of the blood, tiny one?" He asked

"That is not for my judgment," I said and met his eyes

"Mm" He grumbled "Lazerra, you were correct," He said "You are ripe with power, little one. Step up, and claim it" 

And so I did

Clutching a blanket to my chest, I panted. That dream was ripe when Lazerra visited, and tonight was no exception.

Standing in front of the mirror, I had to silence a curse. My skin was flushed and my eyes glowed with more fervour than ever. My hair was blowing in invisible wind and it gleamed with tiny gemstones, and I saw tiny little dots on my arms. I needed to cast a spell, and quick. Picking the fireplace, I pointed my finger at it and chanted the invocation, watching violet flame burst from my hand into the logs, casting light through the room. Still, not enough was released. I cupped my hands together and called another light, trying to pour extra power into it. As it flickered to life, it didn't demand the power I needed to release. Throwing it across the room, it took a post atop a bookshelf, which was mostly empty.

"Lazerra" I whispered, but she did not appear to me.

Picking a dress, I wandered through the halls until I found the library. Slipping the door open, I selected a book off the shelf and started reading. When the clock tolled once, I knew it was too early for anybody to be awake, but footsteps moved past me.

"Um...Hello?" Someone asked. I turned around and saw two men quite alike Aury and his blue-haired companion.

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