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Pomni: March 7th (Pisces)

Ragatha: September 29th (Libra)

Gangle: June 22nd (Cancer)

Jax: August 14th (Leo)

Kinger: January 1st (Capricorn)

Zooble: February 6th (Aquarius)

Kaufmo: April 1st (Aries)

Pomni is a Pisces (the 'P' in Pomni means Pisces) because she's an escapist, prone to zoning out and delusional. She often tries to rationalize reality, so she's trapped in the thought that all this is just a dream. She has a false reality that is always convinced even if there is clear evidence that contradicts her thoughts. She also thought about what might happen if the existence really existed even though other people said otherwise. As a result, she was always looking and looking for a way out. She is kind and tries to be friendly to others, which is an important trait of Pisces as well.

Ragatha is a Libra (September Libra or decan 1 Libra mommy vibes go brrr on her) because she's diplomatic and always longs for the pleasure of others. She's people-oriented, as evidenced by her tendency to act like the mother of the group. Libra's symbol is the scales, which explains its desire to remain sane and externally balanced. Always reassure herself and others that everything will be fine. She uses her optimistic side to avoid becoming crazy/insane, she uses it as her coping mechanism to survive in the digital world. Also, she's pretty much an antumn baby. It just fits her

Gangle is a Cancer because of her tendency to mood swings and covered up her sadness in a mask of joy. Cancer is symbolized by the crab, this could be interpreted as a strong shell that protects the emotional side. We can assume that the comedy mask is her confident self and the tragedy mask is her authentic self. This is what makes her seem as if she has a double personality, also makes people think that she's a Gemini. Most people forget that Cancers are very prone to changing their moods, which makes them almost as two-faced as Geminis. Cancer's motto is "I feel", while Gemini's is "I think". The former is definitely more suited to Gangle's sensitivity, which is what she always displays on the show. She also has the typical caring trait of this zodiac, proven when she worries about Zooble when it seems like no one else cares. The '22' as her birth date symbolizing her duality and June is summer, she NEEDS a break from being builled by Jax

Jax is a Leo for very obvious reasons. He is a sassy menace who doesn't mind bullying most of the people there (especially Gangle). However, it's possible that this 'cool' attitude is his defense mechanism. I feel like him being internally insecure (this probably isn't the reason, I'm obviously just making it up) is a pretty big of a Leo trait as they have a tendency to hide who they really are and want to be seen as confident & charming. He's an absolute ladies man, that's for sure. Though he's definitely got a lot more characteristics than what do I summarize about him. This is just a theory that shouldn't be taken seriously. Also, Jax and Zooble have been confirmed to be 6 months apart which makes me conclude that Zooble was born in February while Jax was in August

Kinger is a Capricorn. There is a theory that he likes insects because they can be the perfect tool to take them all out in various ways, that was the reason why he really liked collecting insects and talking about them in front of other people. Capricorn is a strategic zodiac sign that will do everything to achieve its goals. If the case is according to what I said above, then Kinger being Capricorn would be accurate. Then, he also somewhat represents the father of the cast. Capricorn is the father of all zodiac signs, that would explain it all. His interactions with Gangle could fall into a Cancer-Capricorn dynamic since these two signs are said to be the most compatible with each other. So, his Capricorn personality balances the clumsy side of his O blood type. This would make sense, since his birth date is literally on New Year's Day, the opening month and date of the Gregorian calendar. It all connects to the fact that he was the first person to enter the digital circus.

Zooble is an Aquarius, which supports their cold and quirky side. They can be a bit rude to others but they actually have their caring side. Aquarius has this stereotype and is shown as a person without feelings, even though in fact they HAVE feelings. Like Pomni (Pisces) and Gangle (Cancer), they also have an identity crisis. This shows how other people have their own characteristics, while they do not determine something that defines themselves. However, they are actually unique because of this problem. Though being born in January suit them too because the month is like a mixture of Capricorn & Aquarius, and so do they. February is still winter though, it's a fine birth month for them imo

Kaufmo's birthday being April 1st is just a reference to April Fools' Day, since he is a clown and is always ready to make jokes on other people, even if most of them don't find his joke funny at all. His presence is also a joke because he wasn't present immediately when the first episode started despite being said to be one of the original main cast

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