trust me

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;Mom im a vampire"she started backing away "mom?" " my daughter is a vampire ";mom u ok?" I took a step towards her and she backed away "mom its ok you can trust me u dont have to be aferaid i promise i will never hurt you i love you to much!" She came over to me tears down her face and gave me a hug of course i hugged her back i frickin love her then she stopped. "Mom wat is wrong?" "Alyssa what does it mean when your eyeies are red?" I noticeed my throat was dry and burning like hell again !."shit" " momm ill be rite back i love you!" I ran and ran i smelled blood i hated doing this to ppl then i stopped and rembred that dumb ass movie twilight the vamps on there lived on animal blood i wonder if that will work

Later when i got home mom was asleep and there was a note on the table "nite hun love you goin to bed hope your better now" i smiled at the note nowing she still loved me.i ran up to my room and found my phon 2 texts

One from alyssa (yes she has a friend alyssa) alyssa:hay love mall later tommrow?i heard thr news guess what biochh im one too love ya smooches!

One from somer :hay bioch if udo go ill be at the mall to love ya more than alyssa muwhaha i laughed ps im a vamp too byee! I checked the dates today so i texted back asking for the time alyssa answred first 2o clock see ya later love ya more than somer!!i missed how they would fight over who loves each other more (if ur wonder if im lez im not u say we r than see your blood later its just a joke we have) i also love how we are almost like sisters and so much alike i texted them both back "love u more!!" Shut my phone and went to bed

Ok guys just to tell you in my stories vamps sleep and they can be in the sunlight as long as they have spme type of glasses on they dont sparkle unless a unicorn sneezes glitter on them XD love you guys bye!

forever and always (louis tomlinson love story)Where stories live. Discover now