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"i think i owe you kids an explanation," chanwook heaved a sigh.

he had calmed down, but he still couldn't gather the courage to look the twins in the eye.

"we were a group of friends, your mom and dad, aron and me. your dad always liked your mom, aeri but she was dating some other guy at the time. he was also a friend, but he barely hung out with his. his name was jungseok."

he man shook his head at the memory of an old friend, gritting his teeth at the painful memories of the past he wished to never visit again

"jungseok... was unique. a smart guy, for sure. he loved aeri a lot. he was head over heels for her. maybe he loved her too much. when we all became closer as friends, he grew jealous of the bond between her and your dad. he started meaningless fights with her- threatened to ruin both their lives and what not. i was always there to calm him down, to rationalize with him until i had to move away. aron himself was too weak to do anything," the man chuckled at himself.

"eventually, aeri decided to leave jungseok. she chose your dad- which obviously led jungseok batshit crazy. we never knew what happened to him exactly, he just disappeared without a trace.. until two years ago, aron told me he got in touch with him again.. "

at this point, everything was obvious to everyone. this jungseok guy was the mastermind behind everything. the hope of reviving an old friendship within the prosecutor caused him to blindly cover up the case and drag it for as long as he could. what he didn't know was that he was leading himself to his own death.

"I don't know what the hell he wanted from aron, I honestly didn't care either. that guy was always sick in the head. i told aron to be careful and to stay away. he never listened," chanwook's eyes landed on the picture of the dead prosecutor, "I'm never forgiving that man."

neither am I haneul thought, fists clenched.

the children of Holmes

channie oppa
that was

baby bread
are we sure we can
trust this random person?
we met him just today

we really can't

i asked to meet him again
maybe if i get to talk to
him again i could determine whether
or not we should trust him

my hoe ❣️💖
woah there missy
you're not planning to
go alone, are you?

duh ofc not
im taking you with me

if his story was fake
then damn that
man should be a writer

im hungry

didnt you eat at the funeral

funeral food is bad
we should get pizza

han 2.0
i love how solvinh
murder mysteries is just
another day for us
like yeah lets discuss
how the twins' mom was
killed over some tea and
biscuits if we may

feel the lix
why yes, don't mind if i do!


nooo haneuls dead too

just like my mom and dad
omg twinsies!!

you are literally my twin

having a twin seems fun

its like a buy one get one
for parents

my hoe ❣️💖
twins seem like a lot
of work to look after though

kids as a whole are like
... just no
im so glad I'm gay

feel the lix

han 2.0

my hoe ❣️💖

han 2.0
yes pls 🥺🥺🥺

step aside, kowalski, he
means me.

han 2.0
i just want some love 😞

my hoe ❣️💖
... so haneul
yes on that date?

meet me in 10

hey lol

i have sm life updates 🧍‍♀️
broke up w the guy i mentioned in the prev chap bcs he was a jerk who cheated
i made new friends who i love to death
and uh yeah
happy new year 😭

also gasp
murderer reveal 😱😱😱

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