Chapter 1

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     *I only own my characters, any references to anything that isn't mine belongs to whoever created/ owns it.*

      I leaned against the cold wall, rubbing my hands together, trying to get warm, while I watched my brothers and their friends play. They had dubbed me as “score keeper girl” much to my dismay, but they promised me I could have the ice to myself later on if I kept score “just this once”.

            “Hey, Camryn! Pay attention, I just scored!” Jared Ward tried to get my attention, banging on the glass.

            “Oh sorry,” I apologized, “guess I zoned out.” I quickly changed the score and looked over to see Jared laughing hysterically, while my oldest brother Charlie hit him across the back.

            “Change it back Cam, he didn’t actually score.” Charlie grumbled, “We’re done anyway; wanna give us a hand grabbing pucks?” I nodded, knowing with Charlie it was never a question, you did what needed to be done, unless you wanted a sweaty sock stuffed in your face. I wandered out onto the ice, going over to the corner farthest from all the guys. I heard someone coming; I looked up to see Jared skating over to me, carrying a bucket.

            “You know, it be a lot easier if you just scored the goals, instead of always lying about it, eh?” I teased, throwing some pucks into the empty buckets. That was always Jared’s soft spot, I had known him for forever, and in that time he hadn’t gotten too many pucks in the back of the net.

            “You know, it would be a lot easier if someone paid more attention.” He smiled, playfully shoving me. “Were we really that boring?” He asked a twinkle in his eye.

            “Oh not at all, the other guys were exciting, but when you got the puck, yawn, I felt like I was going to fall asleep.” I smiled. Jared held the bucket out to me, I reached over to grab it, but he didn’t let go.

            “Camryn, I was actually wondering if maybe later, you wanted to-” But he was cut-off by Patrick, my other older brother, hitting him into the boards, the bucket of pucks flying.

            “Hey Wardy, stop flirting and hit the showers. We got to get out of here so Cam can clean the ice.” Patrick turned, giving me one of his dazzling smiles.

            “Wait, what? Me? But I was...Patrick! Get back here!” I quickly slid over to him, grabbing the back of his jersey. “Patrick! I wasn’t even playing! You know what dad says, if you play, you clean the icei!” He turned a smirk on his face.

            “But don’t you want some of your own ice time this week?”

            “Yeah, but I already kept score for you guys-“

         “And you’ll also clean the ice for us!” I started to shake my head, but Patrick started to plead, falling onto his knees. “Please Cam! I am in incompetent man who needs the help of a woman!”

            “Fine, fine!” I laughed, ruffling his hair. “You’re lucky you have someone so wonderful to help you with every aspect of your life.” I teased, heading over to the end of the ice, grabbing some spare work boots and climbing up onto the zamboni.

            “Yeah, I don’t know how I’d survive without you!” Patrick called back, picking up the remainder of the pucks. I sighed, starting out onto the ice, carefully going around the boards. I glanced up at the walls above the rink, to see the rest of the guys banging on the glass, blowing kisses, making stupid faces and waving at me.

            “Boys,” I laughed to myself, before turning the corner.


            I had always lived at the rink; I wouldn’t have it any other way. You see, my dad bought the arena after my mom had passed away, in honor of her. She had passed away when I was only a year old; I hadn’t really gotten a chance to know her. So we lived above the rink, where it once used to be a bunch of spare dressing rooms, my dad converted into a comfortable living space. We all lived up there, my dad, me, and my brothers Charlie, Patrick and Jackson. But it seemed like we were always overrun with all their friends and teammates, who were constantly coming over after practice, or hoping to catch a quick skate in. Not that I minded it of course, we were all like a big family, depending on each other to get things done. But there were always times when I missed my mom, or missed not having the privilege of knowing her. My dad used to tell us stories of her all the time, how she once snuck into the Toronto Maple Leafs dressing room, or how she would sleep in the barn at her farm just so she could watch the stars. But my favourites were always the stories about how, like me, she was a figure skater. The rest of my family played hockey, but I preferred the other kind of skates, taking the ice by myself, instead of with a team. I still loved playing hockey, don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty sure I’m the only girl around here in my small town that plays, even if it is on skates that have a toe pick. I was different then a lot of kids, having my naps as a kid in the penalty box rather than in a nursery, or learning how to drive a zamboni before my dad taught me how to drive a car. But that’s how we Thompsons are, not really giving a shit as to what others thought of what we did.

            I climbed the stairs up to our small, what I guess would be, apartment, sliding the key in the lock. I heard the noise of all the guys scrambling around, trying to get a seat on the couch before the next game started.

            “Oh Caaaaamryyyyyn!” I heard a chorus of voices call out. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn’t help but crack a smile. I walked into the main room, where our kitchen and living room were, to see a group of boys with giant smiles on their faces all looking at me.

            “Could you make us some nachos?” Jackson asked, goofily smiling at me.

            “No, I have to go-”

          “Please Camryn please!” They all came running at me, leaning on me and waiting on their knees, their hands folded, their lips pouting.

            “Camryn you make the best nachos!”

            “Please Cammy, we’ll love you forever!”

            “Yeah, please Camryn!” I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest.

        “Fine! But only if I get the middle seat on the couch for the game!” I demanded, hearing a response of ‘yes’ and ‘of course’ in reply. I quickly made a couple plates of nachos, topping them with loads of whatever was in the fridge.

            “Make way boys!” I hollered out, stepping over them all as I made my way to the couch.

        “Here, have a seat beside me Camryn.” Jared offered, moving over a smidge. I smiled, moving in beside him. He placed his arm around my shoulder, giving me a smile in return

            “How’d you manage that Wardy?” Patrick and the other guys laughed, while Jared started to blush. I smacked Patrick on the head, purposefully passing a plate past him to Jackson.

            “So who’s playing?”

A/N I know this isn't that great but it's only the beginning and I just wanted to introduce a few of the main characters. I'll try to update as often as I can! Feedback is always appreciated!

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