Chap.13-minecraft logic

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(Y/n and Captain moments)

Captain was sitting on a navigation char and Y/n is leaning against Captain's seat.

Y/n asked "What's the process we have so far Captain?" Captain replied "It should be smooth sailing from here."

Y/n said "I shouldn't expect anything less from the best captain in the world." Captain said "Aw, thanks buddy."

It was silent for a second.

Captain asked "So, is that little feud between you and TheGentelman still going on?" Y/n replied "Yes."

Captain asked "Are you planning on ending it any time soon?" Y/n replied "Hm, I have thought about it a few times."

Captain said "Okay. Do you think Player really thinks of me as his best friend?" Y/n replied "I'm sure he does, he's just not as obvious about it as you are."

Captain asked "So you're saying there might be hope for our friendship?" Y/n replied "There definitely is. Just give him some time, he'll come around." Captain said "Okay."

Start of real chapter.

Both Player and Y/n spawned into Minecraft, Player was wearing the Steve attire while Y/n is wearing a business suit.

Player asked "So This is Minecraft?"

Y/n said "The game we've been missing out on for years."

Player said "I guess it's better late than never. And I appreciate you coming out of your way so you can join me Y/n."

Y/n said "It's no problem, I'll help you through anything we need to get through."

They both stare off into the horizon.

Player said "Wow, this place sure is beautiful."

Y/n said "Yeah, it's filled with incredible vegetation and wildlife."

Player said "There's only one thing to do in a world as amazing as this."

Y/n asked "Enjoy the view for a little bit longer?"

Player replied "No."

Player starts breaking things while laughing until he killed a sheep.

Player said "Nice, I got some wool." He picks up the wool block.

Y/n finally catches up to him and panted "Man, you're fast and you sure did a number on this place in just a few seconds."

Player said "What can I say? I'm a fast gamer."

Y/n said "Well, at least I got enough material to make me" He draws out a wooden sword "a sword."

Player said "And with this wool maybe now I can make a bed."

A pig in the background started talking "But how could you possibly sleep at night after what you've done to my family?"

Player asked "What? A talking pig?"

Y/n said "Unreal."

Player said "I didn't know you little guys could speak."

Y/n agreed "Neither did I."

Pig said "Yes, I can speak, but more importantly I can feel. Pain, sorrow, grief. I will never forgive you for killing my love."

Y/n asked "His love? What did you do in the few seconds I was gone Player?"

Player said "Wait, you are a pig in love with the sheep? That seems kind of...wrong."

Y/n said "Player, you have no right to tell this pig who he can and who he can't date."

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