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Minho stepped into the studio early in the morning, he was the first one there so he decided to keep the lights off.

Minho took a deep breath, something about today just made him sad. He wanted to be alone and curl up in a ball. He turned on Margaret by Lana del Rey and laid on the cold floor, the feeling finally bringing something to him.

'I'm so lost'

"Min?" The door opened revealing Chan dressed in all black, as usual. Minho sat up abruptly and stared at Chan with wide eyes. "What- what are you doing here?? Chan stepped inside and took off his jacket. "The boys told me you'd be here, why are the lights off?"

Ignoring Chan's question, Minho stood up and walked towards Chan. "You need to leave, now please." The older frowned, growing confused. "Why? What's going on baby?"

Minho bit his bottom lip and felt tears well up in his eyes. "J-just leave! Please hyung." Chan reached over to cup Minho's face, the younger pulling away with a small whine. "Talk to me min, please honey you can say anything to me."

Overwhelming tears fell down Minho's face, his fingers wrapping around the ends of his hair to pull at them. Chan hurried over and grabbed them, holding his hands tightly. "No no baby, we don't do that." Minho cried out and pulled away from Chan. "D-don't touch me!"

The older's expression was hurt and confused. "Minho I'm trying to help you. I don't know what's going on but I'm here for you." Minho sobbed loudly and glared daggers at the other. "JUST GET THE FUCK OUT!! GO AWAY!" He yelled, aggressively pulling at his hair again.

Chan's eyes welled up with tears, walking out of the studio in a hurry and grabbing his phone.

"Hey man what's up?"

"H-hyunjin.. somethings wrong with minho-"

"What? Whats going on??"

"He-he kept yelling at me and telling me to go away, he's pulling at his hair and crying a lot I don't know what to do."

"Fuck I'm coming, when I get there come to our place and stay with lix please I don't want to get him worried."

Hyunjin hurried inside the studio with Chan to find no Minho. "Min??" Loud sobs coming from the bathroom made Hyunjin's heart drop. "Fuck!!" Hyunjin ran to the bathroom, seeing chan still standing by the door. "Go chan! I have him." The older nodded and left quickly.

Hyunjin opened the door and gasped as Minho was on the ground, blood pooling from the insides of his wrist. He turned his head to look at hyunjin and cracked a small smile. "Hyunjin.. I love you, I'm glad you found me."

Hyunjin grabbed a bunch of towels and tried to stop the bleeding. "M-Minho!.. why" was all hyunjin could say, over and over until the other fell unconscious.

Hyunjin looked at Minho and cried as hard as he's ever cried. "Please." He weakly said as he grabbed his phone, calling the police as he moved to hold Minho tightly.

Once hyunjin got off the phone with the police he rocked Minho back and forth, kissing his forehead. "I love you Minho, everyone loves you please.. please Minho I can't do this without you." Hyunjin sobbed as the door flew open, standing up as the people hurried Minho on the bed and out of the studio.

"Are you going with him?" Hyunjin nodded and wiped his tears the best he could, getting in the back of the ambulance and sitting next to Minho. The doors closed and the alarm rang as the car sped to the hospital.

Hyunjin took his phone out and made a call as the people started working on setting Minho up on something to stop the bleeding.

"Hey mr. Lee, before you hang up on me I just wanted to tell you that your son just tried to kill himself. So great job with whatever the fuck you did to mess him up, k bye bye." Hyunjin hung up and made eye contact with one of the nurses.

"Why aren't you doing anything?? Hello? Do something!" The other nurse that was working on Minho frowned. "It's getting hard to find a pulse we're working on it." She called out. Hyunjin's eyes widened and he tired to get in, getting pushed back. "No! You can't lose him!"

The nurses back away as they injected something in him. "We got it, don't worry he's still here." Hyunjin sniffled and wiped his tears, one nurse rubbed his back and offered some tissues. "Did you see this happening?"

He shook his head and looked at his best friend with needles in his arm. "I mean he's always been a little sad, I've tried so hard to do whatever I can to make him happy. But I wasn't enough, I don't know what happened it was too fast." The nurses gave him their affirming words and continued working on Minho.

"Your boyfriend should be okay, I suggest he gets some help after. Maybe your help was good until now, he needs professional help from now on."

Hyunjin nodded his head, not even realizing he was called his 'boyfriend'

Hey everyone I wanted to throw out a little chapter while I'm sick since I've been gone for a while

Trying to get back but in my free time I've been reading a lot and I didn't know if I wanted to update or read so today was update :))

Also Omg my birthday is in a week!! Very exciting

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