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Chan laughed lightly as skylar hopped next to him on the couch, sam sitting down on the other side of Chan. "What are you guys wanting to watch?" Skylar bounced her legs off the couch. "Stranger things!!"

Chan winced and shook his head. "Uh- I don't know about that sky, I still think your too young to watch it. When you turn 11 we can try it!" She whined and leaned her head back against the couch, not saying anything else. Chan let out a breath and turned to Sam. "Suggestions?"

Sam shrugged before getting an idea, smiling cheeky. "We can watch mean girls until sky falls asleep and then we can turn on shameless." He whispered in chan's ear, who chuckled before pointing his finger at Sam. "Don't tell your parents I'm letting you watch that." Sam raised his hands in defense and nodded eagerly.

"Sky baby, we're turning on mean girls." She lifted her head immediately and cheered in excitement, getting some blankets as the movie started. Sam went on his phone until he heard snores coming from his sister, side eyeing Chan to turn on his show. "Hello??"

Chan snapped out of his daze and grabbed the remote. "I was thinking, jeez." Sam put his phone down and smiled at Chan. "About what? Was it about someone?" Chan turned the show on and leaned back against the couch. "Maybe." Sam smiled widely and clapped his hands together.

"Who is it? Do I know them? Is it the guy at the dance studio?" Chan widened his eyes at Sam, surprised he got it so quick. "Yeah it actually was about him, I've seen him for a couple times and I just feel like there's something more to him."

Sam pushed Chan's arm and giggled like a child. "I knew it! You like him!! He was pretty cute, definitely your type in guys." Chan rolled his eyes and blushed. "I don't like him okay? I'm just curious about him." Sam laughed and turned his attention to the tv. "You said the same thing about Jenny, and Ellie, and Josh, and-"

"Okay okay I get it." Chan cut the other off before he could name all of his exes, turning his attention to the tv himself. "I think he needs support, like a lot of it." Sam hummed and glanced at Chan. "Well do you want to be the one that supports him?"

Chan bit his lip and smiled softly, looking at Sam. "I think so."

"Oh thank god!" Hyunjin and Felix jumped off the couch as their front door opened, revealing Minho in mingi's arms and Yunho closing the door behind them. "He's still sleeping, he threw up a lot last night so he didn't sleep much."

Hyunjin got ahold of minho and held him tightly, Felix running his thumb across Minho's cheek softly. "What's new. Thank you guys really." Mingi and Yunho hummed and walked out of their apartment, hyunjin turning to Felix. "We'll wake him up in the bathroom, he's probably gonna throw up again."

Felix agreed and they walked to the bathroom, sitting Minho down between them both. Minho felt himself wake up, squinting his eyes at the bright lights in the bathroom. "Where am I." His voice rasped out, Felix quickly getting up to get some water for him. "You're in the bathroom at the apartment, your home."

Before minho could say anything, he gaged and reached for the toilet. Hyunjin lifted the toilet seat and minho abruptly threw up in the toilet, feeling Hyunjin's hands softly massage his back. Felix walked in with water and sighed in sadness, hating seeing his best friend like this.

Minho threw up until he felt a burning sensation in his throat, nothing coming out of him anymore. He sat back and grabbed some water, drinking it slowly to not spit it up. "Hi." Hyunjin and Felix smiled lightly, rubbing Minho's back softly. "Hey Min, how are you feeling?"

Minho closed the bottle and shrugged. "Not good." Felix rested his chin on the older's shoulder and put some hair behind Minho's ear. "What's wrong min? Please tell us we'll help you." Minho picked at his nails and dropped his head, mumbling something that the boys couldn't hear.

Hyunjin frowned and leaned closer to Minho. "What was that min?" Minho bit his lip and looked up, tears streaming down his face. "Feel like cutting.."

Felix immediately lifted his head and cupped Minho's face, wiping his tears in a small panic. "Hey it's okay! You don't need it min, you have us you're not alone." Minho sniffled and shook his head as more tears fell down his face. "M' all alone." Hyunjin grabbed Minho's hand and kissed the back of it.

"We're here for you baby, what do you need from us?" Minho pulled away from felix's grip and wiped his nose. "Sour candy." Hyunjin and Felix tilted their head at the same time, wondering if they actually heard what he said. "You want sour candy?" Minho turned to Hyunjin and nodded softly. "It helps."

The boys stood up eagerly and helped Minho up. "Okay, yeah! We'll go to the store and get some sour candy, we can even watch a movie and eat it! Does that sound good?" Minho nodded and smiled at Felix. "M' excited." The boys smiled widely and held Minho's hands, walking to their car and driving to the store.

Minho let go of their hands as they walked into the store, speed walking to the candy section and grabbing a couple different kinds of sour candy. "Sky! You cannot get three different kinds of lollipops." Minho sighed as he heard the voice of a boy he doesn't like that much, seeing in the corner of his eye a little girl huffing and putting away two candies.

"Hey! Your that dance teacher right?" Minho turned his head and saw Sam leaning against the isle. "Uh- yeah." Chan hurried over with sky in his arms. "Sam you're too old to talk to strangers!" Sam smirked at walked past Chan, grabbing his sister. "I manifested this for you, don't make me regret it."

Chan side eyed Sam and turned to Minho, lifting his chin softly. "You don't look too hot." Minho slapped Chan's hand away and put his head down. "Thanks.." Chan looked down and snickered. "You're just as bad as the kids I babysit, candy isn't good for you."

"I know that cunt!" Minho snapped, glaring at Chan with watery eyes. Chan widened his eyes and stepped closer. "Hey I was joking, are you about to cry?" Minho shook his head and started to walk away. "I-I need hyunjin and felix-"

Chan grabbed Minho's wrist and pulled him onto his chest, cupping his face so they made eye contact. "Are you okay?"

Minho sniffled and shook his head softly. "N-no."

Yay I updated!

My boyfriend is acting funny.. don't like that

Babysitter (b.c.h x l.m.h)Where stories live. Discover now