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Jisung bit his finger as he knocked on changbin's door, taking a deep breath as he heard a 'come in' and walking in slowly. "Oh hey ji! What's up?"

Jisung looked down and slightly twisted his feet by habit, the older catching on quickly. "Are you feeling small?" Jisung looked up with glossy eyes and nodded, dropping his finger that was in his mouth. Changbin smiled and walked over to hold the younger's hands.

"No need to be shy jiji! Come lay down with binnie." Jisung broke out into a wide smile and nodded, hurrying over to lay down on the bed with changbin. The older smiled and wrapped his arms around jisung's waist as jisung buried his face in the other's chest.

Chan knocked on the door, cracking it open. "Oh- is ji small?" Changbin hummed and kissed jisung's forehead, hearing the younger snore softly. Chan sighed and walked in. "Why don't you tell him how you feel?" Changbin glared at the older and rested his hands underneath jisung's shirt.

"He doesn't feel the same hyung, I'm only here for when he slips that's all." Chan rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Keep thinking that bin, that'll definitely show jisung that he has a chance with you." Changbin sighed and nuzzled his nose in jisung's hair. "M' sorry hyung, I didn't mean to sound rude."

Chan sat on the bed and touched changbin's leg. "It's okay bin.. I can't stand seeing you miserable so please, at least tell him sometime." Changbin hummed and smiled up at the older. "Okay hyung, thank you." Chan smiled and walked out of room, furrowing his brows as he heard a knock on the door.

"Minho! Hey!!" Hyunjin grabbed Minho's hand that was about to grab the door. "What?!" He snapped, guilt filling his brain as he saw Hyunjin and Felix's face shift. "Where are you going? You didn't have dinner yet!"

Minho shook his hand out of Hyunjin's grip and grabbed his wallet. "I'm going out.. I just need a fucking break!" He raised his voice as he opened the door, throwing his phone on the ground before closing the door. Whenever Minho used to go out, he would always have to text hyunjin or Felix where he went in case of an emergency.

Hyunjin sighed and rubbed his forehead, turning around to see a teary eyed Felix. "It's okay lix, he'll come back soon I promise." Felix sniffled and walked over to pull hyunjin in a hug.

Minho wiped his tears as he arrived at his favorite club, memories flooding his mind from the past times he was there before he was old enough to be allowed in there. He thanked the driver before walking into the club, the scent of alcohol making him sigh sadly.

"Hey Min!!" Minho walked over to the bar and smiled at the bartender. "Hey mingi." Mingi gave him a suggestive look. "The usual?" Minho nodded and fiddled with his fingers. "I haven't seen you in a while Min, what's up baby?"

Minho widened his eyes and glanced around the area. "Dude don't call me those names in public." Mingi rolled his eyes and looked around to see no one watching them, sliding Minho his drink. "I get to call you those names because I've known you since you were a baby and you're still a baby."

Minho pouted his lips and downed the shot. "I'm okay.. things could always be better." Mingi hummed and crossed his arms. "You're eating more right? I have some hidden snacks when I get bored." Minho tapped his finger against the shot glass and shrugged. "I don't want to talk about that shit, I need 5 more of these."

Mingi chuckled and started getting them ready. "Alright then."

"Yunho? What's up man." Yunho gave a tired smile and yawned quietly. "Hey Chan, San and Wooyoung are baking cookies and we don't have any more sugar. Do you have some?" Chan snickered and looked at his watch. "It's 4 in the morning."

Yunho rolled his eyes. "Trust me, I know. They took a nap at 7 and then decided to wake us up by doing karaoke in the living room." Chan chuckled and left the door open as he grabbed some sugar in the kitchen.

Mingi walked by the rooms and smiled as he saw Yunho. "Hey beautiful." Chan came back and smiled at mingi, frowning at the unknown boy in his arms. "You fucking around without me?" Yunho joked, referencing the boy in mingi's arms. Minho poked his head out and smiled widely. "Unho'!!" He cheered and wrapped his arms around Yunho's shoulders.

He gave a look to mingi and rubbed Minho's back gently. "Hey Min! Did you hang out with mingi?" Minho nodded against Yunho's neck and tried to get closer to the boy. "Do you not want to go home? I'm sure hyunjin and Felix want to see you honey." Minho whined and pulled away. "Don' want to see them."

He turned his head and made eye contact with Chan, gasping and hiding his face back in Yunho's neck. The boys gave Chan a confused look, the older crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "We're not really tight."

"Meanie." Minho muttered, feeling Yunho pull away slightly from Minho. "What was that honey?" Minho teared up and pointed at Chan. "Meanie!" A tear slipped from his eye, the other quickly cupping his face and wiping it gently. "Okay why don't we go head to bed? I'll text the others to let them know where you are."

Minho whined and turned back to mingi, who picked him up and walked them to their room next door. Yunho turned to Chan and smiled as he handed him the sugar. "Thanks, guess we're having company tonight." Chan hummed and leaned against the door. "I didn't know you know Minho."

Yunho raised his brows and pointed his finger at Chan. "I didn't know YOU know Minho." Chan smiled and shrugged. "We don't really know each other, I don't hate him but he definitely hates me." Yunho hummed, turning around as the door to his apartment opened.

"Babe I kinda need you right now, the baby is puking a lot and you know how I am with that stuff." Yunho sighed and nodded, walking towards the room. "I'm coming sweetheart, bye Chan thanks for the sugar." Chan nodded and waved Yunho, closing the door with a sigh.

'That minho boy seems to have a lot of problems.'

The thought made Chan's heart ache... why?

I love Yunho and mingi, but idk what their ship name is

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