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The distant melodies emanating from Kaia's house became increasingly audible as Dean skillfully parked his car in the driveway, aligning it with the contemporary elegance of Kaia's residence. The warm glow of the evening enveloped them, setting the stage for the celebration that awaited.

Exiting the car, Dean graciously extended a helping hand to Ilena, gallantly opening the passenger door. Ilena couldn't help but appreciate the chivalry, a gesture that added an extra layer of warmth to the night.

As their hands entwined, Ilena self-consciously adjusted her attire, a burgundy red lace-up dress that embraced her form. The fabric seemed to echo a harmonious resonance with her, and the earlier compliment from Dean lingered in her mind, boosting her confidence. It was a dress her mom had given her years ago, a sentimental piece that had been tucked away until this special occasion. Strangely, it fit perfectly, amplifying Ilena's sense of self-assurance.

Amidst the allure of the dress, she intentionally pushed aside memories of her mom and the origin of the garment. Tonight was about celebration, not dwelling on the past. Each step toward Kaia's house felt like a stride toward a new chapter, away from the shadows of grief that occasionally crept into her thoughts.

"Oh, Ilena, you're an absolute vision!" Kaia's vibrant greeting echoed the moment the front door swung open. Her gaze playfully shifted to Dean, assessing him with a grin. "And don't you clean up well in that suit."

Dean, slightly bashful, offered his birthday wishes to Kaia, presenting a small, elegantly wrapped box as a gift.

"Happy Birthday, Kaia," he uttered, a subtle warmth in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Ilena's heart quickened as she realized she had neglected to bring a gift for Kaia. A brief wave of panic set in. "Happy Birthday, babes!" She summoned her best enthusiastic smile, enveloping Kaia in a quick but affectionate embrace.

Dean felt a flutter of apprehension as Kaia gestured for him to step aside, allowing Ilena to cross the threshold. The formality of an invitation gnawed at him, a reminder of the limitations that came with his existence.

Kaia's brows furrowed, concern etched on her face. "What are you doing out there? Come in!"

Relief cascaded over Dean at the sound of Kaia's invitation. A genuine smile played on his lips as he carefully stepped inside, casting a grateful glance toward Kaia before extending his arm for Ilena. Ilena met his gaze briefly, inhaling deeply before intertwining her arm with his.

Navigating through the bustling expanse of Kaia's spacious living room, Ilena couldn't help but inquire, "Wait... are we late?" She turned to Kaia, who trailed just behind them.

Kaia chuckled softly, dismissing any concern. "No, they just got here early. Don't worry 'bout it!" Her voice rose above the escalating music. "Follow me!"

The trio moved through the lively atmosphere, where laughter and music intermingled. Kaia led the way with an effortless grace, guiding them toward the heart of the celebration. Dean couldn't help but appreciate the warmth of the scene, knowing that moments like these were fleeting and precious in his unconventional existence.

Ilena felt a nervous knot tighten in her stomach as she and Dean followed Kaia through the lively crowd. Their path took them past a group of teenage guys stationed on the stairs, eyes fixed on Ilena with an unsettling intensity, as though she were an enticing prey. A low, appreciative whistle escaped one of them, drawing laughter from his friends. Kaia, catching the unwarranted attention, shot them a glare that conveyed a message only they could decipher. Dean, restraining his temper, focused on keeping a composed exterior, avoiding any unnecessary confrontation.

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