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The City of Leatia has fallen into an orderly chaos.

The dimensional rift seems permanently settled over Sector Delphinus, like a mini red sun over the area. After the first wave of demons properly eradicated with too many Catalysts and the joint effort of the authorities, the rift's temporary portal is sealed. And yet, it is still undeniably a gate that can tear open at any time at all, a bridge between their world and the other.

Because unlike any other rifts that occurred before, this one stays suspended and dormant.

"Let's welcome Dr. Ciara Brennan, the City of Leatia's Research and Development Lead, for an evaluation of the situation in Sector Delphinus," a reporter says through the screens overlayed on buildings as Lena is walking to Arcane Academy campus through the Static with other students, flanked by authorities. They will never be free to roam again, but it is never clear if it's a safety measure or a punishment. The feed is being broadcasted live and across the city in every channel possible, as if reports from the authorities is the only thing made available to the public these days. "Dr. Brennan, tell us what's going on."

"It is the first time in all of City of Leatia's history a rift like that opened in our world," she responds through the clip, well-mannered and rehearsed. "A rift of that size is already a high-level threat, and this is the first time that a rift portal goes dormant after its initial appearance—meaning that while the proximate demon threat has been taken care of, the rift remains... intact."

"And what does the authorities have to say about this to the Citizens of Leatia?"

"Head of Control Centre, Mr. Blakewell, assured that we are in good hands," Dr. Brennan answers. She elaborates, "As Catalysts wipe out the demons flooding the dimensional portal, weaker rifts automatically disappear because their dark matter energy is low. This new rift contains of a high density mass of energy, and therefore is such a high level threat to begin with. We are still exploring the reasons why this phenomenon happened, but the root cause is its composition of dark energy. My team is already at work to investigate this anomaly, and while the gate to the other world is evidently sealed, Citizens of Leatia should take caution—especially those residing in Sector Delphinus—and report any strange activities should you encounter them.

"We are all in on this together as we face an unknown. This may be a difficult time for us, but as long as you cooperate, we will do the best in our power to serve this city for the better."

"And what can you comment about the Shadow Syndicate?"

"The Shadow Syndicate?" Dr. Brennan makes a face, a look of what seems like confusion—as if the term does not ring a bell. Only after a while, she registers and recalls, "Ah, the group that calls themselves the Shadow Syndicate. While they have raised alerts throughout the city and have certainly caught the authorities' attention with their antiques, we currently have more pressing issues at hand. The unusual rift's appearance does not have anything to do with this mysterious group, and they have done nothing of similar scale to warrant our sources just yet. The Shadow Syndicate have yet to make an appearance since the incident on Arcane Academy, and that was swiftly dealt with, and students are since safely returned. We will focus on the imminent threat that looms over us instead of chasing down a group that insists on concealing itself mysteriously. Moreover, the authorities are confident that we have the means to deal with the Shadow Syndicate when and if they show themselves at all—and if they don't vanish themselves that is, by the time we eradicate the rift." She chuckles by the end of her statement, waving a causal hand over this apparently non-threatening group.

"Thank you for your time today, Dr. Brennan, and we look forward to your updates."

Lena halts in her steps, perplexed. Are the authorities really still insistent on ignoring the threat that is the Shadow Syndicate?

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