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Part I: Shadows & Demons

The trials will happen in a week.

And as Arcane Academy greets its esteemed visitors through the grand gates, it may or may have already begun, as this marks the first day of the pre-trials.

Ever so rarely do the gates open for people other than its own instructors and students, welcoming outsiders. Today is one of the occasions where the academy invites foreign foot on its grounds.

A week before the trials, government officials are dispatched to all ability education units of the City of Leatia, preparing for the compulsory test all students have to go through every year. The trials, a set of mental and physical assessments, are extremely specific to each student's abilities and capacities. Representatives of the authorities arrive one week early to observe the classes and teachings of the institute before conducting the actual examinations that last for approximately a week after.

Lena glimpses through the glass panels of her homeroom now and watches as Arcana, the headmaster of Arcane Academy, personally welcomes the body of around 12 government representatives at the gates of the academy.

A ripple of unease settles through her. Being relatively new to the City of Leatia and Arcane Academy, Lena is still actively learning the ruling systems, culture, and how the world generally works here. And even after asking around, she still hasn't a clue on what the trials are about, mostly because there are various accounts regarding the trials. It is, apparently, different each year and may variate with each student depending on the individual's abilities. Not knowing what is going to happen bothers her as much as the arrival of the government, who will be directly observing the students in the academy.

Lena refocuses on their current lesson. Well, not really—her study screen during General Studies is almost always empty. Ever since she's kicked off her journey in this unique academy and over the few incidents that forcibly engaged her in battle, she has learnt to embrace that culture. She looks forward to physical classes more than anything else; the last Combat Training class Lena had, the fight with Leviathan, has awakened something in her blood, her veins. And it has been yearning for more.

But that leaves her unable to focus on regular lessons such as General Studies or Demon Knowledge, even if the latter is rather interesting. Lena will much rather be out there, on the fields or the simulation practice rooms, harnessing her abilities, exploring what she can do with weapons and her flexibility. She wants to be engaged in battle—whether it's against demons, or her fellow challenging students.

The close call back in Andromeda Sector should have made her afraid; yet it did the opposite, allowing her to have a glimpse of herself that she never believed existed. She'd been weak before, but never again.

Pulling up her schedule she never memorised, Lena shuts out whatever Ms Iparis is saying at the front of the class. Her next physical class isn't until tomorrow. Sighing, she minimises her empty notes spread, and her eyes hover over the screen that marks her own unique seating. Each student are given a desk that activates through palm recognition, and the digital screen that comes to life has a panelled tab that registers Lena as an Azure Dragon ability type user. Her ability class is still blank, and she assumes that will change when she takes the trials. And as for her ability...

It is written as Clairvoyance (Glass). But Lena knows herself that it's not true—at least, the Clairvoyance part. No matter how much she tries to look into the deeper meaning of her visions, she concludes nothing from them. They are as random as the shapes of clouds drifting in the sky. So is this part of the masquerade, then? One of Arcana's schemes—including creating false memories for Lena—to protect her in his own way?

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