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Entering the classroom feels weird, like going through a bubble. It's a variant of how Lena feels each time she enters through the Arcane Academy gates—across the barrier that leads them to another dimensional plane that the academy sits on.

She steps through, feeling the space before her eyes adjust to the students already in the room. Her skin tingles from passing through that harmless barrier, reacting to whatever technology is in place, but otherwise she is unbothered. It's really unnecessary to put an extra barrier of ward before each classroom, but Lena is in no position to complain. She takes a look back at the obscured view of the hidden door and sends a silent prayer to her friend Neesha for whatever conversation she may be having with Viktas and the authorities.

Through muscle memory, Lena's legs start moving as usual, but then she spots Caelus not far beside her. Nothing seems out of the ordinary in the classroom—there's no Professor yet, and the only authorities are beyond the door—and students are scattered across the seats before a typical lesson. Caelus is standing still beside her near the classroom's entrance, as if frozen there. He's not exactly waiting for her, because if he were, he would be looking her way. Right now, he's—

"Caelus?" Lena approaches him in half a step, her hand reaching out—

A direct blast of wave comes from him, and the glass window panes lining the corner of the room shatter all at once. Some of the seats at the front row are nearly unhinged from the strong blast of wind and pressure, and thankfully there aren't any students in the vicinity—except Lena, who still has one hand slightly outstretched, her fingers inches from reaching his tense shoulder.

No one yells. In fact, some of them perhaps thought that finally a duel is about to take place, and the closest students by the windows take a peek, poking their heads outside after confirming the shattered glass pieces are safe to navigate. Not surprisingly, the students have managed to protect themselves from the sudden damage with different kinds of abilities or physical reactions. Some who noticed Caelus' unexpected outburst of power merely glance at him once before they look away, not daring to anger the Ace for whatever minute reason.

Lena's fingers brush Caelus' uniform, going through his passive barrier. The moment she touches him, his eyes meet hers in a flash of red. She tightens her fingers over his shirt, and as she blinks, his cool gaze is back to its neutral purple, landing gently on hers.

Perhaps she's imagined the unusual red in his eyes.

Caelus' gaze surveys Lena, then sweeps the room and to the destroyed windows. To their credit, the students are back to their bustle, minding their own business, so it feels as if it's just her and Caelus. He must have felt the tense atmosphere loosen, as he begins to relax and starts making his way to their seats near the mending panels.

"Sorry," Caelus says softly to Lena as she follows closely. "That wasn't... intentional."

"Clearly," Lena teases, elbowing him lightly. His atmospheric barrier never stops her, and it's a comfort to know that perhaps his passive abilities do not recognise her as a threat to their owner. "But are you truly all right?"

"It's just the ward," Caelus admits, "the technology and the sonar it emits—it's messing with my head."

Lena ponders, "It may be your abilities reacting to it?"

When they are properly seated, Lena activates her desk before turning back to Caelus, whose gaze is fixated on the glass windows that are now firmly pressed back into the wall.

Sensing her attention, Caelus says, "The new security protocols, the barriers and wards in place, everything—I sense it. Even the unwanted presences in our academy."

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