Chapter 3-Lorenzo

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Hey Guys!!

New chapter!

Anyway, I'm going to try my best to make the chapters longer, I'm kinda suffering from Writer's Block but I'll try my best.




Lorenzo POV

I woke up to the amazing smell of bacon and eggs. Mom must be making them. Yum, I can't wait to eat them. I turned over on my huge bed and checked the time. It was 5:45. Good I woke up early today. I can go for a run on the beach. I thought. I quickly got up and went to shower.

I stripped and got into the shower, enjoying the feeling of the hot water hitting my skin. My thoughts went back to my baby I miss I still try to find we still try to find her...

After about 10 minutes of thinking, I stepped out of the shower and decided to get dressed to go for a run. I wore a white running shirt, my Puma shorts and my running shoes and went downstairs to find my mom and Alexandro talking. Mom was the first to see me and wished me Good Morning. She is the only one that talks to me these days. The others in the family practically just ignore me because I gave Rose away. But do they know why I did that and how much I regret that? Anyway, Alexandro/Alex just nodded to me and went back to eating his food.

I told Mom that I was going for a run and that I'd come back and eat her amazing food. She agreed and I left for my run. I decided to take the shortcut to the beach and finally reached it. I ran along the coastline and back and I took the shortcut back home.

Once I reached home, I told Mom that I'd shower and come because I was covered in sweat. I took a quick shower and I changed into my office clothes.

 I took a quick shower and I changed into my office clothes

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(Without the stethoscope)

I ate the amazing food and I left for the office. As soon as I reached everyone became silent and everyone in my way moved to the side. And as I passed them they wished me a silent "Good Morning" that I barely heard. I nodded at them and as soon as I reached the private elevator for my family everyone started talking again. I sighed as I saw the schedule that I had today. I had multiple appointments today with many different people. I also had surgery scheduled with Alexandro. Just as I went inside my office cabin, my phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket to see that it was Dad. He never calls me unless for emergencies to come home or go somewhere else so I was worried that something bad had happened. I picked up the call.

Call(Lorenzo=Italics ; Santiago=Bold):-

Lorenzo - What happened, Dad?!?

Santiago - Calm down son. Nothing happened, yet...

Lorenzo - What do you mean??

Santiago - Well, your grandfather is coming...

Lorenzo - You mean Lucas Nonno(Grandfather in Italian)?

Santiago - Yes. I have also called and told your brothers and also make sure to come before 5 pm so that you can get ready for dinner. They are coming for dinner.

Lorenzo - Just who all do you mean by "they"?

Santiago - Well, your Nonna, Nonno, Uncle Ezra, Uncle Oliver, Aunt Ruby, Aunt Georgina, Anthony, James and Aiden.

Lorenzo - So the younger ones are not coming?

Santiago - Thankfully.

(Background sound of Alexandra hitting her husband)

Lorenzo - (Chuckling) Ok I'll come home early. Do I need to get anything?

Santiago - No need. I have to go now. Bye.

Lorenzo - Bye.

The Call ended

I give out a huge sigh. Now I have more work. I don't mind my family but like everyone else, they hate me. Oh well, It's time for my first appointment.

(-------------------TIME SKIP CAUSE I'M LAZY-------------------)

It's almost 1:30 pm now. I finally got some free time. My eyes wander off to the picture of my baby sister when she was two. She was so cute and sweet. I miss her so much. I do regret giving her away but I had to do that for her safety and my family's. But I also did not have any other option...

Suddenly my PA came running into my cabin, out of breath. She told me that a patient had arrived and that she was in critical condition. She then added that I along with my brothers had been called to treat her and do her surgery. I groaned at the thought of having to do surgery with my brothers who practically hate me, but I still hurried to the room since the patient was in critical condition. As soon as I reached the floor which housed the OT where the patient was kept, I saw my brothers standing there, also out of breath like me because of running down there. They groaned after seeing me and understanding that they had to do surgery with me. But we still went on with the surgery.

(-------------------3 hours later-------------------)

We finally finished the surgery. It took a lot of time. I also got to know that the person that I treated was Ritz Monroe. She is the youngest trillionaire at the age of 19. Turns out that a truck had crashed into her Lamborgini while she was driving to get somewhere and her vehicle flipped over. Thankfully some people called the ambulance and the nearest hospital was ours. So she came here. While we were doing the surgery, I noticed that she looked a lot like my parents and she did resemble my sister when she would be a bit older. She has my father's eyes which are blue with a shade of gold. She also has red hair like my mother and Alexandro. She also has a well-defined jawline like Mom.

Could she be my sister? I thought. Her name is pretty similar plus she could have changed her name before...I don't know. I do wonder if my brothers also noticed the same things while they were doing the surgery...



Hey guys!!

I wrote 1003 words!!!!!!! Yayyy. I changed a lot in the story tho Sandrino is a doctor and he also gets the family business once his father resigns.

Until next time......



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