Bittersweet Goodbye

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“Ron is going to be a bit. He’s been trying to get the rotten smell off of him, but it’s literally clinging to him,” Ginny said, looking at George as she made her way to the couch. “I refuse to have him step in here smelling like that.”

George put his hands up in defense, smiling. “It’s still the testing phase. Be pleased none of the balloons broke in the house.”

“That’d make for one interesting dinner,” Neville said.

Harry tilted his head to the side. “I think that’d punish you more than anyone else here. You’re the only one that still lives at the Burrow.”

George’s eyebrows raised. “You know. You have a point.” Taking a look around the flat he flopped down on the couch next to Ginny. “Good thing Ron broke all the ones I had, otherwise I would have brought them. Your flat is rather boring with celebratory decorations for today.”

Ginny tilted her head back over the couch groaning. “We agreed that none of your inventions will come into this flat due to this being a living space for not only myself but also Hermione.”

“You’re right. I like Hermione too much to do that to her.”

Hermione laughed. “Glad to know your liking me saves the flat from whatever horrendous, unstable inventions you have.”

“I’ll have you know not all my inventions are terrible,” George said defensively. “You all just have no funny backbones left in your body after the war. Maybe Voldemort took them all from you. Now if he took Harry's, that's understandable, because he literally died and came back.”

“The price I pay to be alive again with humor,” Harry said laughing.

“Did you pay to get yours back with your ear?” Ginny asked, smiling.

George glared at her. “Touché.”

Hermione looked around the flat and noticed they were missing one person. “Where’s Luna? Wasn’t she coming over too?”

“She did mention at dinner that she had to make it back home. Not sure why,” Ginny answered, shrugging.

“Oh,” Neville said, remembering, “She had to get home because some of her plants needed to be pruned at midnight, or that she had to replace some fae protections around her house before the full moon. I’m not quite sure.” His face twisted in confusion. "Honestly, I think both were briefly mentioned."

George stood up from the couch. “I don’t know about anyone else, but I am certainly not waiting for Ron before we start drinking. Now where’s your liquor?” he asked, rubbing his hands together with a sly smile as he made his way to the kitchen.

Hermione’s face went pale as she remembered having left a lot of the baked goods on the countertop to cool before she left for the Burrow. “Um, I’m going to go help him.” Quickly standing, she looked over at everyone’s confused faces. “Anyone need anything?”

“I’m good. Still full from dinner and need to wait a bit,” Neville answered.

“Should be some whiskey left in the cupboard I believe.” Harry smiled. “Just bring the bottle here. Thanks!”

Hermione looked to Ginny waiting for her response before walking away. Ginny’s gaze shifted from her to the kitchen knowing something was off before standing up. “I’ll come help you. I got some new wine the other day. I'd like you to try.”

As the two walked into the kitchen they saw George leaning against the counter, slowly chewing a lemon lavender cookie. Looking up, he froze while reaching for another and grinned. Ginny took in the many cookies, biscuits, and another pie around the room.

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