A Ray of Light Pt. 1

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Jihyo sipped the remnants of her coffee while waiting for her bread to finish toasting. She wasn't in any hurry on this Friday morning, unlike most weekdays which found her rushing to get ready and out the door for work. For once,
she could take her time and was more than grateful for the break. She had a three day weekend ahead of her where all she had to worry about was showing up for her best friend's engagement party.

Jeongyeon had finally proposed to Nayeon after the couple had been dating for almost two years. Jihyo was surprised it had taken Jeongyeon this long; it had been clear from the start that she was head over heels for Nayeon. Those two were made for each other.

A pang of longing tore through her heart when she thought about their engagement. It had been one year and five months since Daniel's passing, and while she was getting used to life without him, the grief still hit her hard some days. Knowing that this weekend would be all about love and marriage stirred up some bittersweet memories. She couldn't help but think about her and Daniel and how he'd proposed.

He had brought her to the park where they'd first met and set up a romantic picnic just for the two of them. The poor man had been so nervous he ended up dropping the ring twice before being able to ask her to marry him. It had been one of the best moments of her life.

Jihyo wiped away a few tears and chided herself for crying again.

"Get it together Park Jihyo," she said firmly. She roughly patted her face a few times then prepared the rest of her breakfast.

Once she was done eating, she spent the rest of the morning packing and taking care of last minute tasks that couldn't be put off until her return Sunday. She did a final walk through of the apartment before heading out with her suitcase in tow.

The drive over to the beach house Jeongyeon had rented didn't take her more than three hours. She pulled into the driveway and marveled at the sight that greeted her.

The modern beach house wasn't what she'd been expecting at all

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The modern beach house wasn't what she'd been expecting at all. Her best friend wasn't known for having refined taste. Jeongyeon was a down to earth woman and didn't put much stock in extravagance, preferring to keep things simple, but it seemed she had gone all out for her beloved fiancée.

Jihyo parked her black sedan next to Jeongyeon's SUV, noting two other cars she wasn't familiar with in the driveway. They probably belonged to someone from Nayeon's side. She hadn't really met many of Nayeon's friends or family so it could be anyone.

She grabbed her suitcase from the trunk and made her way to the entrance. Nayeon just happened to be walking through the foyer and spotted her through the glass doors. The woman waved to her excitedly and hurried to welcome her in.

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