All of the Colors I Find In You

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Jihyo couldn't get Sana off her mind after she made it back home. Everything she had shared with the woman over the weekend kept replaying in her head. From their conversations to that magical kiss they'd shared then to both mornings where they'd woken up wrapped in each other's arms because yes, Jihyo had woken up with Sana on top of her again, it all played on repeat like a movie.

She thought about Daniel a lot too, battling her guilt and self doubt. Wasn't it too soon to move on? How could she even think about being with someone else?

Her warring emotions left her feeling drained and overly sensitive. It felt like she'd regressed to those first few months after Daniel's death where she'd done nothing but cry.

Enough was enough.

Jihyo booked an appointment with her therapist; she couldn't wait the two weeks for her next appointment, she needed answers now. The soonest available spot wasn't until Friday, which still wasn't soon enough for her liking, but she took it anyway. There wasn't anything she could do now but wait.

Jeongyeon came over Tuesday night and then again Thursday to hang out. They ate lots of takeout and drank a lot of beer and it reminded her of their early university days. That's when she had met Daniel. Life had been so simple back then. She was young and in love and the entire world felt like it had opened up just for her.

Was it possible to feel that way again with Sana?

That was the foremost question on her mind when she settled herself into the familiar leather chair in her therapist's office Friday afternoon.

Jihyo had always felt at ease here

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Jihyo had always felt at ease here. The space was bright and inviting, infused with a sense of calm that was an extension of her therapist. Dr. Choi Soo-young was even keeled and sharp as a tack. Her ability to pinpoint exactly what Jihyo was thinking or feeling during their sessions was always a wonder to her.

"Well Jihyo, what brings you in today? Something must have happened for you to want to bump up your usual appointment," Dr. Choi prodded.

Another one of my fav actresses, SNSD's Soo-young

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Another one of my fav actresses, SNSD's Soo-young

That was another thing Jihyo liked about Dr. Choi, she didn't waste time.

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