A Ray of Light Pt. 2

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Jihyo focused on peeling garlic cloves alongside Nayeon's dad, tuning out the loud noises coming from the entertainment room. Mr. Im wasn't much of a talker and Jihyo was grateful for it. After her breakdown on the beach this morning, she wasn't up for much conversation.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon's parents had arrived at the beach house around eleven. Jeongyeon must have given her parents a heads up because Mr. and Mrs. Yoo had just hugged her tightly and told her they were glad to see her. They didn't ask any intrusive questions about how she had been doing.

Nayeon's mom was more talkative, but she seemed to understand Jihyo wasn't at her best and had given her space. Mr. Im on the other hand was a quiet man. He reminded Jihyo of Dahyun. Momo's girlfriend was pretty reserved so Jihyo was glad when Nayeon had grouped them all together to help with lunch preparations.

Mr. Yoo was busy preparing the beef for tonight's dinner. He'd brought cases of beef brisket and ribeye for the special occasion, much to Momo and Jeongyeon's delight. He'd shooed everyone else out of the kitchen except for the prep crew because he "needed some peace and quiet" if he was going to cook.

Jihyo had known the man since she was thirteen  so she knew that couldn't be further from the truth. Mr. Yoo loved having people around him when he was in the kitchen. Now she knew without a doubt that Jeongyeon had told her parents about this morning. Her best friend was always looking out for her.

"I'm done cleaning the lettuce and peppers Mr. Yoo. Is there anything else I can do to help?" Dahyun asked. He paused mid cut and gave her an appraising look.

"You look like you'd be a great assistant chef. What do you say Dahyun?"

"Yes chef!" Mr. Yoo was delighted with her answer. The two got busy working together to finish prepping the main dish.

Jihyo's eyes drifted down the hall when she heard Sana's voice rise above the rest. She felt bad for how things had gone down between them this morning. Sana deserved an explanation, but she didn't know where to start.

"Hey, sorry I freaked out. Being in bed with you reminded me of my dead husband."

Yeah..... that sounded terrible.

Maybe she could try getting Sana alone somehow later? She could always ask Nayeon or Jeongyeon to help her out. They'd do it, no questions asked. Yes, that's what she'd do. She felt a little better with a plan in place. Now all she had to do was come up with what to say.

"I think that piece of garlic is peeled enough."

"Sorry?" Jihyo looked up to see Mr. Im giving her an amused smile. He pointed to the garlic in her hand.

"Looks like you've got it all nice and clean dear."

A hunk of garlic was missing from the clove she had been absentmindedly peeling. She gave Mr. Im an embarrassed smile and set it aside with the rest.

"I hope Mr. Yoo doesn't see it," she whispered conspiratorially.

Mr. Im gave her another one of his smiles and lowered his voice, "It'll be our little secret." Then he went back to peeling garlic as if he hadn't spoken at all.

He was an interesting man. Jihyo wondered how someone so quiet and calm could produce a daughter like Nayeon, someone who never seemed to meet a stranger and had the energy of a hyper twelve year old. She must have gotten most of her personality from her mother.

"I think I know why Nayeon fell for Jeongyeon," Jihyo said, breaking the comfortable silence. Mr. Im inclined his head towards her to show he was listening while he continued his task.

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