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"So, pizza with or without pineapple?"

"Pineapple on pizza should be illegal." Taehyung scrunches his nose reminiscing the pineapple pizza Jungkook made him eat once. He wanted to puke it back on the younger's annoying face.

"Agree," Jennie nods with a satisfied nod and goes back to scrolling through her iPad.

Taehyung swirls his pencil with his index finger and thumb, he sees the slight drizzle falling on Seoul through the train window, and back at Jennie who is sitting across from him. It feels slightly unreal how one week ago he didn't even know who she was and now he is travelling across the city to meet her family as her boyfriend.

After their deal that day (and Taehyung's out-of-character ridiculously bold move which he never wants to talk about ever again), they didn't see each other that much. Taehyung was busy with his essays and submissions, and so was Jennie. They did text slightly once in a day but nothing much.

Which has now come back to bite him in the ass because they didn't even rehearse what they are going to say to Jennie's family. No backstory, no fake dates, nothing. Jennie seems to be relaxed about it because it is her family. But they are basically strangers to Taehyung, the strangers he wants to impress so they don't kick him out within five minutes of their meeting, accusing him of not being worthy of their daughter.

And then he will have to go back to his dorm, spend Christmas alone under his cheap dorm duvet and Jimin will tease the shit out of him.

No, he can't let that happen.

So he clears his throat, closes his sketchpad, gains her attention, and speaks the most important matter on hand.

"Would you rather have an ass for a mouth or a mouth for an ass?"

Jennie splutters and gives a mild laugh, "What?"

"I need to know a lot about you if we are going to pretend to date." Taehyung shrugs as if he hasn't just asked the most weirdass question out of nowhere, Jieun would be so proud of him.

"And why do my ass or mouth preferences have anything to do with it?" Jennie asks, unable to hide her amusement.

Taehyung can't help but grin back, "What if they ask me; on a scale of 1 to 10, how weird their daughter is?" he suggests and crosses his arms over his chest, heating his head on the seat. "I need to have an answer."

"Are you sure you are not the weird one here?" Jennie raises an eyebrow. She rolls her eyes when he simply smiles back and starts typing on her iPad. "That was a horrible question." She then flips the device to show him the screen, which is lit up with a website, "Let's use these questions instead."

'20 Questions to know your date better.'

And soon both of them are huddled over the tablet screen, describing everything from their favorite color to their biggest fear. Taehyung finds out that Jennie has a wish to open her own fashion company after graduation, and that she is both a cat and dog person, though she prefers dogs more. He finds that despite the insanely cunning aura she keeps around herself, she is a huge softie who is scared of basically everything.

Maybe it's because of knowing so much about her, or the time they spend with each other but Taehyung finds himself more relaxed once their questions are nearly finished.

PEARLS, SKETCHES & HEARTBURNS. taennieWhere stories live. Discover now