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Taehyung isn't essentially aware of how the aftermath of kissing your supposed-to-be fake girlfriend goes, moreover, when that kiss makes him realize that he likes Jennie. 

A lot.

What the fuck? How did he make such a rookie mistake? Isn't 'no falling in love' the first policy of fake dating?

And when Jennie pulls away, cheeks flush, hazy eyes, messy hair, and reddened lips—Taehyung knows exactly why. She is just so mesmerizing, like a force pulling him down, Taehyung never stood a chance. He quickly averts his gaze, and Jennie fumbles with her words to find the right thing to say.

"That was—uh nice. Nice practice I mean."

Taehyung nods, clearing his throat, "Yeah we—can—I mean the twins will be convinced with this...yeah."

Jennie gazes at him through her lashes, "So it's all cool, right?"

Taehyung can feel warmth crawling up his face but he nods anyway, "Yeah. Cool."

It is, in fact, not cool for a couple of hours. Maybe it's all in his head because all Taehyung ever does in his life is overthink himself to death. But Jennie's behavior is on the weird side too. She sits opposite to him at the dinner table and doesn't meet his eyes the whole time, forcing a smile at Hyunjin's dumb jokes.

Taehyung engages himself in a conversation with her Dad so no one can guess anything is wrong. But the way Yeji is looking at both of them from the corner of her eyes tells him otherwise.

Taehyung slightly nudges Jennie's foot under the table, making her look at him questioningly. He puts all his focus to gesture towards Yeji with his eyes, nearly getting cross-eyed in the process until Jennie finally gets the hint and purses her lips, deep in thought.

Once their dinner is done, Taehyung is about to offer his help to Mrs. Kim again when Jennie comes out of nowhere and drags him out in the hallway.


"Yeji will come out anytime now," Jennie says, eying at the kitchen door. She then turns back to Taehyung, her cheeks flushed dark red as she pushes him against the wall and places her hands on his chest. "Grab my waist."

His heart is thumping way too hard in his chest. There's no way Jennie can't feel it. Taehyung complies nevertheless and gently holds her waist. "What are you—"

Jennie's lips meet his, the next moment. Taehyung tastes the tangy sauce in the kiss, from the stew they ate a few minutes ago. Her lips are slightly chapped, holding a spicy tinge on them that he can't help but lick. Unknowingly his grip on her waist tightens as he pulls her to his chest. Jennie's hands are sturdy as they have moved from his sternum to his shoulders.

There is something about kissing her that cannot be normal. It's like watching reality slip through his hands as if Jennie is altering his world until she becomes the center of it. The way she moves her lips against his with so much surety, that he can't help but return it double-fold.

But whatever the enchantment that had fallen between them, comes to an end when a strangled noise—sounding like a gasp—echoes in the hallway.

Jennie breaks apart from his grip, flushed from her face to her neck. He knows he isn't good either with the insane hotness on his face. He moves his gaze to where Jennie is looking and sees Yeji shuffling in the hallway with wide eyes.

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