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Flash back
3 Years ago
I had just finished my last year of high school but collage wasn't in the cards for me so I worked to make ends meet.

I had a day job at the grocery store down town. I didn't enjoy it but like I said I had to make ends meet. Life isn't easy if you are 18 with no job or family.

She walked into the store one afternoon. That was the first time I had seen her. It was almost closing time but she didn't seem to care. She walked casually down each aisle looking for something.  Not that it was any of my concern but it didn't look like she knew what she wanted to buy.

The clock hit 6 and it was officially time for her to leave.

"Excuse me Madame, it's closing time" I said to her.

She didn't turn to look at me so I wondered if she had heard me.

"I'll be on my way" she said all, still facing the shelf and not me.

Normally I wouldn't care but I had to lock up and I couldn't with her inside. Besides i had a night job to attend to.

She turned to leave the store empty handed. That's when i noticed how young and beautiful she was.

"Aren't you going to buy anything?" I asked. Then I noticed something on her leg. It was some type of disgustingly abnormal creature feasting on her leg. "Something's on your leg" I said pointing at it.

She looked down, "You have an eye" she said with a smile.

She left the store  nonchalantly, as though there wasn't a freak eating her leg...She didn't even limp.

I locked the store and walked home contemplating on whether my night job was worth it. I never imagined that scrubbing bathroom floors and unclogging toilets would become my life.

But then again wasn't it inevitable?

Ever since i was a child, bad luck stuck on me like a tick on a wet dog.

Car accidents, fires, death and illnesses followed me everywhere i went. You would probably call it coincidence or wrong time wrong place but the number of victims have deemed that theory wrong.

The worst part however is that i never seem to die. My parents died, family died, homes burned with me in it but somehow i survive, cursed to watch the bad luck I carry set ablaze everything i care about

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