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We arrived at HQ around 5 in the afternoon.

"Don't look at anyone, Don't touch anything and do not, I repeat do not wonder on your own. Just follow me got it?" I said to Lilly.

She nodded her head and followed me into the large building I made my way to Clara's office and explained the situation to her in private while Lilly waited outside. Well I didn't tell her the entire situation I made sure not to tell her anything about Alice or she would dismiss me without listening.

Lilly was called in a few minutes later, Clara took one good look at her and said, "how old are you girl?" Her voice was harsh and I felt sorry for Lilly.

She didn't ask this life, neither did I but we had no say in the matter.

"I'm 18 Madame" Lilly said and I could hear her voice crack. It was filled with confusion, fear and worry but there was something else I could feel in her voice. It was some type of acceptance as though she was ready for whatever may happen next. She reminded me of an ox ready to be slaughtered, it's afraid but at the same time it knows it's fate and awaits it.

"What about your family?" Clara asked not sparing the little girl who sat in her chair like some criminal.

"They are dead...I watched them die" the minute she said it i couldn't help but think about my family, I watched them all die.

Clara's face still cold and hard, turned to me and said, "She's your new sidekick until she can work on her own."

I noded my head and turned to leave but she stopped me and said,"I think you need to come back to work"

Confused I asked,"what happened to my vacation?" Clara wasn't someone who suddenly changed her mind or who felt bad for people so why the sudden change of heart.

"There's a problem, it's too big for the other detectives so I need you "

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