The Drama of an Ekta Kapoor Show

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Dear Diary

My doctors  thought it wise to get me a shrink.


You want to hear about my 'story" chronologically. Well, you'll have to wait. It's my story, and I'm telling it. No diary  will glare at me, no matter how pretty the cover is.

His  name is Wali Rehmen Khan. You have met him. Well, read about it. Dr.Wali wasn't as boring as his name sounded. . Honestly, who names their child Wali? And expects him not to grow up with issues. No wonder he's  a shrink.

"Meerab ," he began pleasantly. "I know it must be very frustrating to have no memory of the last few months."

Yes, thank you Captain Obvious.

"I also imagine it must be quite lonely," he added calmly. "Why don't we see this as a chat? A friendly  between you and me. Tell me some of the things you're thinking about right now."

Oh my god!! Think of me as a friend line. He definitely was the type

" As a friend, I would love to tell you things. Did you have an arranged marriage?.."

He looked confused and nodded " Yes. Actually I did. But let's talk about you"

I took a breath. I know this game. Survive the 60 minutes and I'm home free.

"I feel very distraught and unable to cope with the possibility of never gaining my memory. I feel lost and alone and full of fear. Throw some feelings of confusion about my life turning into an occupied territory of Murtasimstan , a complexity of insecurities, and the inability to cope, hatred of change, and you've got me."

He  stared me down for a minute then took off his glasses.

"When I was 27, I walked in on my wife  cheating on me with  my best friend." he  took a breath. "So you might think nobody understands you but we all have our trauma"

Holy moly. We just went from Kahani Ghar Ghar Ki to Days of our Lives. No wonder poor guy is a shrink . But who's shrinking the shrink? Seriously messed up.

I rocked back. "Oh, it's the arranged marriage thing, isn't it? I am sure you hardly talked before marriage.."

Dr. Wali sighed " We actually spoke for a few months before getting engaged"

I decided to become the shrink he probably never got but  definitely needed.

" Oh, did you ask her to think of you as a friend and talk? Because that doesn't work, Dr. Wali. It really doesn't.. "

He hid a smile.

"Good, now that we got over our introductions, why don't we talk about yesterday? What did you do since we met?"

The poor man  didn't realize that he had just opened a can of worms the size of Ekta Kapoor dramas. Oh the drama!!

Coming back home was super sweet and nostalgic. Mumma and Baba were super emotional. I guess almost losing me had taken their toll on them. It was those moments that I want to remember and hold onto. Because life descended into madness very soon.

It was late evening when my friends dropped by. Murtasim Khan was still there- how vella was this man? I thought he was a feudal lord. Didn't he like manage lands and stuff? Here he was eating parathas with great enjoyment with my mother eyeing his evident enjoyment with contentment.

" You should take my mother on as a patient" I told Dr. Wali " She's clearly going through a mental breakdown.."

" Hmmn.. I don't think enjoying feeding paratha to a guest would be a sign of.." he said slowly

The Confusing Diary of a Very Angry Meerab Where stories live. Discover now