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25 JULY 20**

10 years ago...

A sound of soft sobbing of young lady can be heard in the background. But it was drowned by the sound of heavy pouring rain for anyone to heard. Tears mixed with the rain drop fall down to the ground. Indeed, the current weather surely represents her broken state right now.

World that we living in right actually a cruel reality. As you grow up you may notice that this world is not the one that we use to dream when we are still a child. Sometimes it can be so unfair. The world we imagine sometimes doesn't turn out as we expected, even beyond our real expectations. Murder, robbery, war, human trafficking and other crimes you never imagined are actually happening without us noticing it.

The worst part is that you will never know who that person is. It can be the person that sits next to you on the bus, your friends even your family. Overall, we'll never know who is who and that sure leaves anxiety to some people. Let alone trust issue.

It's just that bullying is something that i want to mention here. Bullying can take many forms, and can happen in many situations even in family. Silent killer of them all. One of the most common things that can happen to anyone yet is the hardest situation to put to an end. Especially to people with disadvantages it's hard to overcome bullying.

And here where things get messy. People in high range are blinded by the power they possess. Sometimes they don't realise if they already kill people. Remember, even words alone are sharper than a blade. They forgot their places, they forgot morals, they forgot if they are also human. it's actually true that people in disadvantages will always be the lowest and always be the easy target. At least that is what she thinks.

'Why didn't my life go like the other? Well...i believe there is still someone out there that is in a worse situation than me now, i know...but still...god, tell me what did i do wrong? Do my sins in my past life are way too heavy for you to punish me like this?'

A young girl, teenagers between 16-17 years old was now standing in front of a 3-story classroom building. She makes her way to the roof top. Soaking from head to toe to the point where no one can tell if she is crying right now. Heavy rain was pouring on her blood, sweat, and tears mixed together and finally fell to the hard concrete floor.

" please forgive me"

She mumbles as she makes her way to the edge of the building. She can feel her burden decreasing step by step that she takes. Each step brings her closer to heaven that she dreams of. Will it finally stop hurting? Will all this nightmare finally go away? She wonder.

Thunder starts to growl as if there is a monster hiding behind the dark cloud. Flashing, lightning can be seen across the sky. For a mili second it was bright as a day and after that it was followed by the sound of cracked thunder. Her hand was slightly trembling because of the cold but most of it she felt nothing but the urge to end her life. The voices inside her head were nothing as all that she could hear was only the loud thunder clap and rain drop crashing on everything on the ground.

The wind is like inaudible whispering words that soothe her. Beside that, no one is witnessing what she sees or what she feels. Only the sky, the rain and the universe was with her at that time.

She looks up to the sky and wonders. 'why are you pouring?' as if you are also crying with me. It's like you poured everything inside of my heart. Her last word slipped from her bluish lip. A smile was formed in her face as she fell cut through the wind.

"Mother...catch me"

Shhhhhh...Oh! Hi there! Have you ever heard the popular story about this high school? No? You sure are new here. There are actually rumours going on in this school. Or shall i say it some kind of a legend? It's actually become a controversial issue in this school. Everybody knows it yet no one dares to question it. It doesn't even reach out of this school because the principal covers the story with a reason that it will ruin the face of this so-called prestigious high school.

So in that story, it says long ago more precisely 10 years ago. There's been a suicide happen here at the classroom of block C. It's believed that the poor student fell from the roof of the 3 story building to the ground. They said there is where they found the body. Laying lifelessly on the ground that painted in faint red. This case was fast closing under suicide death without any further investigation. They say this may disturb the teaching process in this school. All in all everyone believe that this is a suicide death. Some say that it's not. Some say that this case is actually a murder. But without any solid evidence or trace it's actually hard to confirm that statement.

Some students who still have human sense still hope that the family will sue this school for the death of their child. However it's disheartening instead. For some reason no one heard anything about demand from the dead girl's family. Some say that the higher-ups feed them money to keep their mouth shut. Can you believe that? That kind of parents who put money as their top priority over their own flesh and blood. They just go blind when it comes to money. Even the teacher who teaches moral knowledge turns a blind eye to this case. Not to mention the other teacher at the school. As if nothing serious had happened that day. I wonder where all their humanity has gone.

Not to mention this part of the story. Here's where things go interesting. Do you believe in a curse? For some that believe in paranormal things they just know that something bad will happen after hearing that heart sinking death. Especially for those that have some special kind of gift or six senses they just know this is not just an ordinary death. Ever heard about grudge? Well they said that, the vengeful spirit will come back for revenge one day. 2 years have passed since the tragedy...the noisiness already die down. 5 years already pass, most of the students that know the case already dropped out of the school. 7 years have pass, no student should know about the case. It's just like completely gone like it's never happened in the first place.

But somehow after 10 years since that death labeled as suicide has happened, it regain attention again. The case starts buzzing amongst the students . Some say this is it, this is the year of revenge. No one knows where the rumours start to heat up again. They say 'she' is coming. And for those that have something to do with her death be prepared cause without you noticing it you will end up on the ground just like her.

Seems like no one bothered with that, after all it's just some rumour right? That is until that boy shows up. When he passes by he looks like his floating. The moment you lay your eyes on him, it feels like you lure into that deep black eyes of him.The boy with goats Chinese zodiac came in the year of revenge and changed those mindset that don't believe in curse.

Author notes✨:
Hi and hello y'all! This is not part of the story y'all can skip if you one. I just wanna say thank you to y'all for finding this story 🫶 I hope y'all like it! Btw this is my first fics story that i write in English. Btw I'm not a native English speaker. English is not my first language so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error here. Anyway hope y'all enjoy this story!

Btw i came up with this story and working on it since 2023 but decided to publish this work in 2024. As y'all know 'Welcome to The Devil Island' is actually a story about a school murderer and a mystery behind the death of a high school girl. And not actually about a devil in an island 😂 This story might be a little complicated since i write it with some riddles that need the reader to see things in different perspectives.

Behind the story that im working on right now, at first, it did a fics about a bunch of highschooler trapped in an island but it drifted to what it is right now. Other than fics about Zeenunew or DmD fam as a character here, I also add something that we can reflect about the world here. Just by the title itself talk a lot about what i mean by riddle. So... y'all can crack it and be open about it the way y'all like it🥰enjoy!

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