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The sterile scent of the medical room hung in the air as Alex sat on the examination bed, her discomfort palpable. The nurse, a brisk professional, prepared the syringe, ready to draw blood for the routine medical test. Alex's gaze fixated on the needle, a flicker of anxiety crossing her features. Alexandra's aversion to doctors and medical procedures had roots deep in her past, tied to the haunting memories of the Red Room's invasive examinations. She hated medical things with a burning passion.

Maria, standing in the corner, observed the tension in Alex's posture. The teenager's hand gripped the edge of the bed, knuckles turning white as her body tensed in anticipation. Maria attuned to the distress, recognized the challenge of medical procedures for someone with a history like Alex's. She remembered how Natasha would refuse to go to the doctor unless she was dying.

"Hey," Maria interjected with a calm and reassuring tone. The nurse paused, glancing at Maria. "I'll take it from here. Let me do the blood draw, and I'll hand it over to you to process, is that alright?"

The nurse nodded, appreciative of the cooperation. Maria approached the bed, taking in the vulnerability in Alex's eyes. Gently, she took the syringe from the nurse's hand, a silent agreement to alleviate the source of Alex's discomfort. Maria, understanding the anxiety building in Alex, reached for her hand. The touch was gentle, so much Alex didn't react.

As Maria prepared for the blood draw, she noticed the furrowed brows and closed eyes of the teenager. A small sigh escaped Alex, a testament to the inner struggle she faced. "Alright, Alex," Maria spoke softly, her tone a mixture of reassurance and understanding. "I'll do this slowly, and before you know it, it'll be over."

Alex's grip tightened around Maria's hand as the needle pierced her skin. As Maria drew the blood slowly, she maintained a steady and gentle pace. The room was filled with a tense silence, broken only by the low hum of medical equipment. Alexandra's distress was palpable, and Maria couldn't help but wish she could do more to ease the child's discomfort.

Finally, the blood draw was complete. Maria carefully withdrew the needle, setting aside the equipment. She offered Alexandra an empathetic smile. "It's over, Alex. You did a great job."

As the nurse left the room with the vial of blood, Maria turned her attention back to the redhead. Alexandra's eyes remained closed for a moment as if bracing for more discomfort. When Maria assured her it was done, she slowly opened her eyes, relief washing over her face. She took a deep breath, releasing the tension that had built up during the procedure.

Maria noticed the lingering distress in Alexandra's body language. She wished she could offer a comforting touch, a reassuring hug, but she understood the boundaries. Instead, Maria spoke gently, "You did really well, kid. I'm proud of you."

Proud....she hadn't heard that one before...weird, well everything lately seemed weird. She screamed and kicked in her mind, her life was quite simple and now here was Maria proving wrong to everything she believed.


In the days that followed, the results of the blood test returned, revealing that Alexandra was low on nutrients. A truth Alex knew without the need for a test. Concerned, Maria approached her with a gentle inquiry. "Alex, we've been providing you with three meals a day. Why are you low on nutrients?"

Alexandra hesitated, she should be grateful she is even getting food. "The food is just... mediocre at best. I rarely eat a lot."

Maria's brows furrowed with concern. It made sense, the meals were designed to fuel field agents so they would usually be filled with supplements, they fulfilled their purpose with the side effect of the taste being impacted heavily. Those meals were designed for agents, not growing teenagers. "We'll make sure you get better meals, Alex. Your health is a priority."

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