Chapter Sixteen

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Delaney's POV:

Chloe and Colt both fell asleep in my lap –one with one head on one leg and the other with their head on the opposite. I knew I needed to put them to bed but I didn't have the heart to move them. My babies needed a little extra loving tonight and since I was the only parent they had that seemed to care, I was about to give them all of it they wanted. Don't get wrong, I wanted nothing more than to call Alex, cuss his sorry ass out, and tell him just how I felt about the fact that he could go literal days without talking to his children. And eventually, I would. But I wouldn't do it with them sitting here and hearing what I had to say.They would learn soon enough what type of man their father was and it wouldn't be because I told them. Alex was doing a pretty damn good job at showing them his true colors.

Even after watching Tarzan as promised, Alex still hasn't called back. Literal hours have passed since they called, he still hasn't managed to pull himself away from his new woman to talk to his kids. Needing someone to vent to, I pulled up my texting app and sent Amanda and Layla a message in our friend chat. You know what I;m talking about... the chat that you and your best friend have where you absolutely spill all the tea, talk all the shit. The chat that could incriminate any of you should something happen to anyone that you have mentioned in said chat. Which was why we all knew that the first order of business if we were to die unexpectedly, was that we erase all messages from whoever's phone.

D: Alex is Alexing again 😡

A: What's Needledick done now?

L: Probably easier to ask what he hasn't done...

D: Do you know that he hasn't so much as called or texts to ask about the kids since we left Charlotte?

L: Doesn't surprise me

A: What an ass

D: Anything big going on in the sport this week?

A: I mean they are in Richmond, so no, not really.

L: Ryan hasn't said anything about anything going on

D: Was trying to give the benefit of the doubt 🙄

L: Come to think of it, I haven't seen him at any of the practices...

A: Want me to ask Chase?

D: I should say no but the kids will want to know whatever excuse he has. I think we all know what it's going to end up being...

L: Like he'll ever admit it

D: You're right. He won't...

A: Chase just said that he was at practice with William and that his hooker is there 🤢.

Before I could respond to the text, my phone rang. It was Layla and Amanda with a facetime. I turned the volume down and answered, making sure that both could see that I had sleeping kids in my lap. I couldn't help but smile though when I saw that Amanda was in a similar position with Gannon in her lap and Maisie resting on her chest. Layla had Rayna on her shoulder as if she was burping her.

"Sorry, not so easy to text and have a kid attached to your tit." said Layla, making me snort. It was still funny to me to hear her say words that weren't very family friendly since she had that whole Girl-next-door vibe about her. Or at least I thought she did until I picked up her kindle one day thinking it was mine. Let's just say when someone asks how I got into dark romances, Layla is to blame. That woman loved her romance novel D-A-R-K!

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