Safe house

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Her breathing was heavy as she ran, if not for the injections she might not have made it, but she could still feel the fluids running ramped through her veins as she darted through the underbrush. Sticks and roots pricked her feet as she ran, branches crawling at her skin. She didn't stop to look at the facility, which was growing smaller and smaller into the distance. She stopped to catch her breath, leaning against a tree, her ragged clothes blowing in the soft breeze. She had been stuck at that facility for as long as she could remember. Dreaming about freedom. Dreaming about the life she once knew. From what she could remember she had two parents, and that was it, just her and her parents for as long as she could remember. Until one day armed men broke into their house, their guns spraying bullets everywhere as she sat in the corner of her bed, shaking as her parents screams for help echoed through the house, forever etched into her mine. She cowered in the corner of her bed, shaking as bangs echoed at her door, the whole house rattling, until the door crashed through the floor, the armed men storming up to her, grabbing her roughly by her arms, dragging her out of her house, her feet dragging across the floor, they took her downstairs, her feet sliding across a warm liquid as they passed through the kitchen. Her whole body began to shake as she slowly looked down, the crimson liquid dripping from her feet. Her body was racked with sobs, when she realized who's blood it was and she shook with cries until everything went black.
When she woke up she was in a dimly lit room, a few other kids with her. She slowly opened her ryes as they adjusted, and she was met with a strange looking man, who gave her a sickening smile.
"Glad to see your awake, im Dr. Nikolai, welcome to the rest of your life super solider" He grinned as he patter her shoulder.
She let the memory slip from her mind as she shuddered slightly, placing her calloused hands on the rough bark of the tree, pushing herself upright and taking careful steps, walking at first until her walk turned into a run, she ignored the pain on her feet as she stepped on roots, sticks, rocks, and other ominous things that remained on the forest floor as she kept running, faster and faster, the smell of freedom infiltrating her senses.
The car ran over bumps as Ghost drove, speeding up as they sped down a dirt road, their adrenaline slowly wearing off.

"Where are we headed?" Soap asked as he sat in the back of the car, swaying back and forth

"Alejandros safe house" Ghost muttered flatly as his eyes fixated on the road ahead.

He took a sharp turn, swerving off the road and onto an unknown path.

They traveled for a few minutes, riding in comfortable silence as everyone thought over what happened, ghost being the first to speak about it

"You owe us an explanation" Ghost growled as he sped up even more, his grasp tightening around the wheel

Viper scoffed slightly, not uttering a word as she stared out the window, her arms folded across her chest

Ghost growled slightly in response as he noticed her cold behavior, he didn't care how, but he was gonna force it out of her if he had too, she owed them a goddamn explanation.

He slowed down, the car rolling to a stop as they parked outside of a large building, tucked away in the woods.

"What is this place?" Soap muttered as they stepped out of the vehicle, slowly approaching the building

"Alejandros safe house" Ghost nodded as they cautiously approached the building

"Why didn't I know about this?" Soap scoffed, his accent popping out slightly

"It was need to know" Ghost muttered as they slowly crept towards the building

"what if I needed to know?" Soap asked incredulously, a scowl imprinted on his face

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