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It was all she knew.

For instance the first time when she scraped her knee, she remembered her moms soothing words as she cleaned the wound off, the stinging of the wound still palpable In her mind. Then there was the time when the guards dragged her heaving body, which was racked with sobs as she felt her feet drag along a warm liquid on the floor, glancing down to see her parents, catching a glimpse of their bloodied bodies, their skulls ridden with bullets as she sobbed uncontrollably, staring down at the blood that dripped from her feet, which was not her own.
The worst was the searing pain of her flesh, she remembered looking over to see her charred arm, the smell of her own flesh burning infiltrating her senses as a single tear ran from her face.
So she continued to inflict pain, thats how she was raised, taught to inflict pain, to be ruthless, and to feel nothing.
So she felt nothing as she drove a knife through the strangers skull, watching his body drop before digging through his pocket, pulling out his wallet and shoving it in her pocket. She pulled the jacket of the strangers body, stuffing her arms through the sleeves, pulling the jacket over her injured body. The jacket almost reaching her knees as she walked through the forest, approaching a gas station. Eyes followed her with concern as she pushed the glass doors open, the doors bell giving a slight jingle as she did so. She ignored the concerned stares of civilians as she walked along the isles, picking up a bag of chips and a water bottle, dumping it on the cashiers counter.
"Just this please" the teenage girl nodded.
She sat on a chair in the kitchen, prepped and ready to go, she spun her knife smoothly around her fingers, envisioning the knife as it drove through Nikolais skull, the image causing a sickly grin to tug at her lips.

A dim light hung above the table in front of her, her hood was pulled down, only her mask remained. She sat still, statue like, unmoving as Ghost walked past her, he sat down, the chair groaning from the heavy weight.

He looked at her, attempting to read the expression on her eyes. But all he could see was rage, pure rage.

"When are you gonna tell us" Ghost scoffed, his hands resting on the wooden kitchen table

"When it becomes your business" she snapped, her gaze not leaving the dark brown swirls of the table, her eyes fixated on the smooth wood

"You were involved in some sort of experiment years ago with Dr. Nikolai weren't you? Which Graves was funding." Ghost scoffed slightly

She didn't move, her body still frozen in place as before, which he took as a yes, so he sighed leaning back in his chair.

"And the burn scar?" he scoffed, eyes narrowing as he stared at her.

Her body froze, "The fuck did you just say?" she sneered

"The scar" he snarled, matching her mean tone and disposition as he leaned towards her more, growing impatient.

"I don't know what your talking about" she snarled, twirling her knife faster around her fingers as she grew angrier, theres no way he could possibly know, she had always kept her scars covered

"You know exactly what im talking about" He sneered

She sneered at him, slamming her knife down into the smooth wood of the table. Watching as cracked formed around it, the impact of the knife rattling the table.

She slammed her palms on the table, standing up and kicking her chair back, the chair flying across the floor as she got up, storming out of the kitchen.

Ghost remained at the table, leaning back in his chair. His eyes glanced down as he fumed, he didn't glance up as footsteps could be heard as the chair she had thrown was picked back up as the person stood the chair up and sat down, sighing as they looked up at him.

Snake (simon riley)Where stories live. Discover now