Waking Dream

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(Reader's POV)


No one answered me. The darkness was swallowing the sound of my call.

"Bunny!" I looked around, but saw nothing. "Bunny..." I sighed.

I sat and waited. I waited for a some sort of light or sound. Something to break this pitch black prison, but nothing happened. Nothing was there. I couldn't hear the sound of my own breathing, and it frightened me.

Eternity seemed to pass as I continued to wait. I got colder as time passed. It was like life was slowly leaving me. I was becoming numb as I blinked. The frostbite was creeping and traveling throughout my body. I laid onto my side, awaiting the rest of my life to be like this.

It felt uncomfortable. It felt like I was laying on a rock. The rock began to move and shuffle underneath me. Scared, I jumped off the rock. It wasn't a rock though. It was one of Bunny's eggs.

It hopped onto it's feet and walked towards me. I picked it up. "How'd you get here?"

It jumped on my palm. Then, we heard a strange noise. It seemed to look around as I froze. I stared at it with wide eyes. "Do you know how to get out?"

It jumped twice. I put it down on the floor, but then we heard the strange noise again. I turned around and saw yellow sand coming toward me. I touched it and it circled me. The sand took forms of rabbits, birds, and small fish. The egg was riding one of the fish.

I laughed as I looked at the sand animals. Everything slowly got lighter, and I found myself in some sort of evergreen forest with blooming purple flowers. I laughed as the animals flew, ran, and swam up into the sky and burst into fireworks.

I heard small chimes and turned around. The sandman waved at me. I waved back as the egg from before fell into his hands. He seemed surprised to have caught it, but smiled anyway.

"Thank you sandman. How did you find me?"

He formed sand into the shape of a rabbit. Then it formed into the shape of the moon, then Ireland.

"So you found me here in Ireland?"

He shook his head and shaped some sand into stars.

"You found me in the stars?"

He looked like he was going to say no, but the slowly shrugged and nodded.

"That's good enough for me. As long as it got me out of that dark nightmare."

The little man smiled and put the egg down on the ground. Sandy pointed to the ground and shaped sand into an egg.

"Go to the... warren?"

He nodded. The egg tapped his foot and formed a tunnel. We slid in to the entrance of the warren.

"Bunny!" I looked around. "Bunny!"

A bunch of eggs ran towards me, but Bunny was nowhere in sight. Sand looked around and shrugged when he looked at me.

I looked at the eggs and they stopped jumping. Sandy suddenly grabbed my hand and began to lead me somewhere.

(Bunny's POV)

I opened my eyes to a blinding sun. I yawned, but froze right after it. I couldn't smell (_your name_). I looked at the bed, but she wasn't there. There was no trace of her. Not even her scent existed.

She's gone... She...

I closed my eyes  as my heart slowed. My ears deafened like the night before.

Never should have let her out of my sight...

I looked at where she would have been sleeping. "If only you stayed, Darlin." I stood up. "My heart wouldn't hurt like this."

"Does it really?"

I turned around. (_your name_) and Sandy entered through the window.

I smiled as I ran toward her. "Darlin!" I pressed her tightly against me, with my arms fully around her. "You're breathing, you're alive. You're here."

"I didn't know rabbits could talk fast too." She laughed lightly.

I stroked her cheek, smiling. "They can speak as fast as their hearts beat."

She smiled and I looked at Sandy. "Thank you."

He formed a hat and gave me a tip of the hat.

"Now this is the dream I love waking up to." I kissed (_your name_)'s forehead and waved goodbye to Sandy as he flew off.

(_your name_)'s eyes and mine met. She kissed my cheek, but I quickly held her and kissed her. I kissed her over and over, until she had to stop me so she could breathe.

I laughed as she gasped. She smirked and pulled me towards her. She began kissing me until I needed to breathe. We laughed after a few more kisses, and held her with every inch of my warm body. "I almost gave up hope."

"You did?" She placed her hand on my cheek, so our eyes could meet.

I smiled. "Yeah, but then you brought it back to me."

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