Fruits of Love

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(Bunny's POV)

(_your name_) wasn't terrible, but she was having the most difficult time trying to hit any target.

She sighed, but it sounded more like a huff. Her face was slightly red. "This doesn't feel like a regular boomerang." She turned to me.

I grinned and got off the tree I was leaning on. "That's because it isn't." I turned her to face her target. I stood behind her, bodies slightly touching, and manipulated her body. "To get that far, you should use your arm like you are now, but flick your wrist before you get to the actualy point you want to hit."

She nodded. "And release at the point my wrist is on the target?" She felt frail, but determined to focus on my advice.

"Yes, exactly."

She moved her arm back, practically guiding mine with it. I held her lightly. She swung, flicked her wrist, and released. The boomerang flew and hit the target with a loud thud. I heard her gasp.

She grinned at me. "Do you think I can do that on my own now?"

"You already did. I sat back." I kissed her cheek. "That was all you, Darlin."

She scratched my ear and my foot made many thuds. She laughed and pulled away.

I playfully narrowed my eyes at her. "Make sure you don't show anyone else that."

I hear laughter and my eyes widened. That wasn't her laugh.

"Bunny?" Her (_eye color_) eyes widened. "Was that...June?"

"I don't know," I whispered, handing her my second  boomerang. I held her close to me.

We heard the laugh again and I sniffed a scent. "It's not human, but..."

"Bunny!" I turned to see a gold light (_your name_) sucking her into itself. "Bunny!" She tried reaching for me.

"It'll be all right!" I took a hold of her hand. "I'm not letting you go!"

Her eyes were wide and the light in her eyes gave her a weak smile. "I know." She nodded.

I pulled back. "I'm never letting you go!"

The laugh echoed again and I was sucked into the golden light. The last thing I heard was (_your name_) calling me. The last thing I saw was my warren.

(Reader's POV)

"(_your name_), please. Please, wake up."

I opened my eyes and saw Bunny grin.

"Where are we?" I sat up, looking around the sunsetting surrounding.

The palm trees had thick, dark green leaves. The ocean had a nice tropical smell of fruits. Large red flowers grew on all the bushes and trees. Wandering fireflies flew carefree throughout the area.

Bunny frowned. "I don't know where we are, but it's pretty nice here." He crossed his arms. "Not as good as the warren, but still not bad." His eyes shifted throughout the area.

"So you're never been here?"

Bunny shook his head and helped me up. "And it smells like no one else has been. There's only one scent of someone we can actually talk to, but it must be on the other side of this island."

I smiled. "This place is beautiful."

Bunny scratched his nose and picked two flower. "Much like you." He placed the flowers in my hair. "Sorry that I can't think of anything new with flowers." He grinned.

"It's perfect." My eyes widened at the brown haired girl staring at us.

Bunny instantly twirled around, pointing his boomerang, but the girl was gone. He sighed. "It's not June, that's why I'm edgy. There's a hint of Pitch with that scent."

"But wasn't June killed by Pitch?"

"Ryn wasn't."


"A girl I thought I liked, but didn't. She wasn't the person I thought she was." He stroked my hair. "The person you are is amazing." He smiled, embracing me. "I don't know why but my heart is beating much faster than usual. It must be because of how beautiful you look right now."

I felt myself blush. I looked away. "Shouldn't we focus on finding the other person on the island?"

He gave me nose kisses. "I don't smell anyone beside you." His sniffs trace and tickled almost every inch of my neck.

I laughed as Bunny softly lied me down. He started kissing every inch of my neck up to my jawline. He softly kissed my lips and lifted me into the air, softly swirling us around. His eyes focused on me as if I was his gravity and his world. He brought me back down, swirling. The fireflies intensified the gaze he had on me. His gaze became soft and he rubbed his cheek against mine, pulling my body against his.

I could feel his breathing become lightly as I breathed in the fresh, forest smell of his fur. He stroked my hair as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He gave my cheek a sweet lingering kiss. The soft breeze tickled my neck as he pressed me more tighter, as if he was trying to intertwine more than our bodies.

My hand traced from Bunny's neck to his ear. He gave a small thump and caressed the small of my back as his other hand cupped the back of my head.

Something hit his shoulder. We both looked at the object that thudded on the floor. A perfect red apple. He picked it up and smiled. "This island just seems to be the perfect spot for lovers."

"Isn't the apple the fruit of chaos?" I looked from the apple to his eyes.

He was staring perfectly at me, not seeming to care about the fruit. Then, he smiled. "Depends on the perspective. They can keep a doctor away I hear." He placed his hand on the small of my back again. "(_your name_)."

I looked up his eyes, both the stars and fireflies lit them up in a way that just made his eyes like an emerald. His chest was moving slowly, but I could hear his breathing was intense and hungry for something.

"I love you." He kissed my forehead. "I don't want to ever leave. No matter what."

I buried my face in his chest while being embraced. "I love you too, Bunny." I placed a hand on his cheek. "I will never leave you."

He smiled and looked back at the apple. "I won't let Pitch get in the way this time. I won't let anyone take you.  Not even time." His tone would have worried someone else, but I knew he wasn't angry. He was determined.

I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his nose. "I know. You're my hero. My guardian."

He grinned. "Now and forever more." He looked up at the moon and smiled. "Forever more."

I looked up at the shining moon. I could almost see a gentle smiling face as the stars shined just a bit brighter; as if they were shining brighter because of how happy the moon was.

I smiled. Thank you, I mouthed.

Bunny kissed my forehead and gathered some leaves. "I hope you have nothing to do tomorrow."

"Why?" I watched him gather and pile more leaves.

"I want to sleep here, with you beside me." He extended his hand. "Do you fancy?"

I nodded, jumping into his arms instead. We landed upon the soft leaf-bed.

He held me up, curling up as much as he could. I snuggled my head into his chest and he laughed. "Bunnies love cuddling!" He snuggled against me. "You'll be there when I wake up, won't you?" He grinned. "No sneaking off to see stupid show-ponies?"

"Of course not." I kissed his nose. "I'll always be here for you, Bunny. Always."

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