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Umeko had bid goodbye to her team for the day. Having to go home to see her Dad since so many people were visiting. their house was decently large so she knew some of them could stay over, but she wasn't sure how many of them there were...

Nanami seemed nice! Umeko wasn't suprised that he didn't get on with her father. She loved him, of course she did he was her father! But she could easily understand why someone would dislike him.

Umeko hadn't known Nanami for long, just barely more than an hour now. But she could tell something was wrong, her eyes may have been covered by her blackout glasses but she could still see his unease and annoyance rising.

"Do they always look at you like this?" He asked out of the blue, Umeko looked up at him. "Huh? What do you mean?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"The people of Konohagakure, they don't look at you with much fondness or respect." He sighed, Umeko frowned. "Oh uh, that..." She mumbled. "It used to bother me when i was little. But i got used to it." She explained.

Umeko was lying, Nanami could tell, and Umeko knew he could. She was never a good liar. Umeko had gotten good at pretending not to notice the villagers glares and fear, but she only did so her father wouldn't worry. He didn't need more on his plate. She didn't want to bother him more than she already did...

They arrived at the house, Umeko opening the gate to the yard for Nanami, letting him in first, Nanami nodded. "Thank you." They walked up to the house and stepped inside, chatter came from the living room. It was nice, usually the house was unnaturally quiet thanks to Satoru's constant absence on missions.

Umeko rounded the corner and was surprised, that was a lot more people than she was expecting! Three kids and three adults, one she was familliar with, her father sitting on the couch with a smile on his face, his blindfold off. The other adults were smiling as well. A woman with dark brown hair and bags under her eyes, a mole on her cheek. She looked like a scientist, wearing a white coat and a blue turtleneck.

The other had a smaller smile, more subdued. His hair was long and black, most of it let down but some left up in a bun. His outfit was mostly bland, puffy black pants and a black shirt with the signature golden swirled buttons.

The three kids were definitely older than her, two to three years. One had bright pink hair, it reminded her of Sakura actually, he had a goofy smile on his face and small black marks under his eyes. He wore a similar uniform to the adult men, the only difference being a striking red hood.

Another was a girl, short chestnut brown hair and eyes. Her face was neutral, seemingly tired from the chatting. Her uniform was similar, black shirt with gold buttons and a black skirt.

The last was a grumpy looking boy, wild black sea urchin hair and green eyes, his uniform was the simplest, just a black shirt and pants with golden buttons.

Satoru's smile widened as he saw Umeko, teleporting over to her and lifting her up, spinning her around. "Ume!" He cheered, Umeko quickly grew dizzy, he put her down, letting her hold onto his legs until the dizziness wore off. "Hey Dad..." She smiled, the others in the room looked over to her, immediately making Umeko shy.

She had been getting better at social interaction since the land of waves, but that did not mean she was ready for this!

The pink haired boy raced over, "HI! My name is Yuji Itadori! Its good to meet you!" He was hyper. Umeko nodded, "Umeko, i'd like you to meet some of my coworkers." Satoru gave her a small nudge. "Wow, coworkers? You know im a little hurt." The dark haired woman spoke, a small smile as she got up. "That is Shoko Ieri, she was my classmate when i was younger." 

 "And that is Suguru Geto. An idiot." Satoru smirked. Geto scoffed, "You haven't grown at all have you?" He smiled. "And yet I'm still taller than you." Satoru teased.

"Ugh! Would you two quit your bickering? Its giving me a headache." One of the teens stood up, the girl. "Sup. my names Nobara Kugisaki." She bent down to Umekos level. Umeko nodded, The last boy walked up to her, he seemed nervous despite his neutral face, "Hey, Im Megumi Fushiguro." He introduced himself. Umeko tilted her head, wasn't Megumi a girl's name? Oh well, it suited him.

She gave the teens a smile. "Ume, these will be your body guards for the duration of the chunin exam!" Satoru presented the group of teens. Umeko looked up a her father, "How do we even know i'll be recommended for the exams?" She asked, Satoru shrugged. "Either way theyre here!" he shrugged.

"Were going to be staying at at hotel in town since it would be a horrible idea to all crowd together." Nanami explained, "But thesse three will accompany you during the day." He explained.

Umeko looked up at the three teens, two of them now arguing with each other and the other quietly standing off to the side, well this would be an interesting couple of weeks...


Another A/N I know! Two in a row, I decided to release this chapter earlier as a present for the lovely people who left such kind comments on the last chapter.

Thank you for supporting the story as it continues, I appreciate everyone. You don't need to comment or vote. Just taking time out of your day to read my work is more than enough of a gift.

So enjoy the early chapter! <3

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