𝟺𝟸| 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐲?

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Saturday, October 25th, 199711:47 pm

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Saturday, October 25th, 1997
11:47 pm

"Hey, Orth, get the hell up." A vigorous force shook your body, disrupting your state of unconsciousness.

You strained to open your eyes, blinking a couple of times to readjust to the darkness when a dull ache emanated from the back of your head. You tried to soothe the persistent pangs with your hand only to realize your wrists were constricted. Immediately, you were reminded of what had occurred before you were knocked out.

You almost freaked out when a larger hand suddenly wrapped around your forearm. The room had little to no light, making it hard to tell who it was, though, their voice calmed your racing heart.

"Jesus, Y/n." Stu whispered as you felt a tugging sensation against the rope. "You weren't waking up. I thought that motherfucker gave you a concussion."

"Stu," You paused when he finally cut through the rope with his knife, freeing your wrists. "Where are we?"

"Backstage." He answered, placing his hands under your arms to help you up. The headache you had was progressively getting worse, causing you to flinch at the sudden movement.

"At the theatre?" You asked, holding onto Stu's arms as you used the wall to steady yourself.

"Yeah, I saw that chick drag you in here. I waited 'til she left to come find you." Stu explained as you dropped both hands from his arms. You still needed a minute to process that both Hallie and Mickey were the killers.

Billy was right about Mickey, but Hallie... now that was truly unexpected.

"Wait, what about Sidney? Mickey was after her—" You panicked.

"She's here on stage with him. I saw him chasing her when I snuck past," Stu interrupted. "I really thought it was gonna be that boyfriend of hers but nope."

You narrowed your eyes at him, disapproving of his playful grin. "Stu, now isn't the time for jokes."

"Okay, then I'm gonna need you to go out there and be distracting if you want my help." Stu said, suppressing his amusement before you got all worked up.

"What do you mean? Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go get the other killer, Orth." He stated as if that should've been obvious.

You didn't think you were ready to face Mickey yet. But at least now you know why he reminded you of Billy so much. Though, the more you thought about it, the more it pissed you off. Even before you met, Mickey had this whole thing planned out. That's why he befriended Randy, so he could slip inside your inner circle and earn everyone's trust.

It brought back those deep-rooted emotions you've been suppressing since Woodsboro. The heartbreak, the inner torment of having someone you care about betray you like it was nothing.

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