School au draf:3

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Guess who's back:)
Reasons I disappeared:
-Mental state died faster than karlnapity
-The dsmp ending was mildly disappointed
-Project sekai addiction
-Bungou stray dogs addiction more serious than an addiction to crack (I watched all five seasons twice this week ad only took breaks to read Bungou Stray Dogs fanfiction while listening to Bungou Stray Dogs themed playlists or play Bungou Stray Dogs tales of the lost)

Anyway! Enjoy a little snipet!

!!Feel free to correct any spelling and/or grammar mistakes!!

The forever dull halls were filled with students evacuating as the smoke alarm penetrated their ears. Tommy, being the menace he is, was at the very back of the stampede.

Another guy from Tommy's class with weird magenta eyes came up to the blonde in the near empty hallway.

The person was Purpled.

If Tommy had to describe Purpled using one word, it would be quiet as fuck.

Okay— maybe that was more than one word, but Tommy had never been the best at English.

So, Tommy hadn't expected Purpled to actually talk to him and did a double take when he heard the dark blonde's voice for the first time.

"This was your fault, wasn't it?"

Correction, accuse him of something he very much did.

"Woah, okay, that's quite the bold claim, innit? How dare you accuse me of such an offence," Tommy says dramatically, his British accent taking over.

How come that always happened? Tommy wasn't exactly trying to bring out his Britishness either. Did this happen to other British people, too? Tommy had so many questions and so few answers.

Unfortunately, Purpled was quick to pick up on Tommy's accent as well. 

"Sure, Sir tea and crumpets," Purpled mocks in a scarily accurate posh British accent.

The fucking audacity of this bitch—

"Hey! Shut the fuck up, Mister guns in Walmart!"

"You want some biscuits with that?"

Tommy wanted to punch the smug bitch so badly right now.

"Stop acting so smug when you're literally named after a past tense colour!" Tommy yelps instead of punching the prick.

"At least I don't share a some basic bitch generic name with an ugly blue tank engine,"

Tommy officially hates Purpled now. Naturally, Tommy needed to let Purpled know of this.

"I hate you."

"Hate is a strong word, but don't worry, feeling is mutual, buddy," Purpled says, emphasising the word buddy in a way Tommy could only describe as mocking.

"Never call me that again, I will punch you,"

"Alright then, punch me, buddy,"

Son of a bitch– Tommy was so going to enjoy going through with his threat.

Purpled looks away, but there's a clear smile on his face.

“You find me funny, eh?” Tommy asks Purpled, grinning.

“No, I'm just surprised half of those words are in your vocabulary,” Purpled replies evenly.

Oh, this motherfucker–

Who knew a person who Tommy had never heard speak in his entire time at school could be so insufferable.

“Fuck you too I guess,” Tommy grumbles.

Purpled and Tommy walk in silence. The silence could be described as awkward and uncomfortable, but there was something strangely peaceful about it. And that was saying something since Tommy hated silence and everything to do with it.

As they entered the nurses office, Tommy internally cringed at the memory of his thirteen pretending to be sick to get out of school. Instead of being a normal kid and pretending to have a stomach bug, Tommy's dramatic theatre kid ass faked, hurting his ankle. This had resulted in several awkward doctors visits and a couple of months of pretending to have ankle pain. The only bright side is that he got to skip out on hpe. Tommy dreaded going to the nurses office ever since.

The nurse asks them what they're doing here, and after Tommy explains, she let's both Tommy and Purpled stay for some reason.

"Huh, never thought Ms Tina was actually that nice," Purpled muses after she leaves Tommy and Purpled by themselves.

"Yeah, she's way nicer than you,"

The two boys go back to silently glaring at each other after that comment. Apparently, Purpled wasn't a fan of Tommy blatantly telling the truth.

The situation gets way too awkward for Tommy's liking, so he says the first thing that comes to mind.

"Fuck you,"

"Of course only you would be this insufferable," Purpled mutters in response.

Tommy tenses up, "Eh? What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're insufferable, dumbass,"

"I hate you,"

"You've already stated this, buddy," Purpled mocks, grinning.

"Not this again– for fucks sake, stop calling me buddy or I'll give you a real reason to be in the fucking nurses office,"

"I'll just tell them who blew up the chemistry lab,"

"Die." Tommy deadpans.

"Can't you come up with anything more original?"

"One wishes on your fucking demise,"

"That's literally the same thing," Purpled unhelpful points out.

"Deal with it, bitch," Tommy quips back.

Purpled sighs, "Your stupidity has no bounds," 

"Speak for yourself, dickhead," Tommy mutters, huffing and turning away.



I'm going to make them draw with crayons, and you can't stop me:33

Feel free to suggest any future scenes for this silly little au that may turn into more than just a one-shot ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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