Mute America & Protective Belarus(Not ship)

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(Inspired by Forgotten on Fanfiction net, except I continue it with my own like au twist thing)

America had to give up his position as world superpower and hand it over to Canada who was rising in power. Often he would get mistaken for his brother. It seems like the roles have reversed for the twins. Soon enough he slowly started to become quieter. America never got the same amount of respect as Canada did, when America tried to present something he would always get interrupted. Eventually he gave up presenting his ideas, they won't listen to what he has to offer so for a whole year or so he truthfully has presented anything for a whole year other than just random ideas that popped into his head.

One day suddenly a random car-kun decided to go oopies-daisy to another car and lodge a piece of metal into America's throat from the crash. Woo whoo! Isn't this great?? How did that even happen.

Belarus noticed that the day felt off. She hasn't gotten her daily text from Alfred in 21 hours, she just assumed that he was busy but she honestly missed that nagging of his. She is constantly reminded that she's not alone and neither was he. Then her phone starts ringing and she picks up. "Uh, hello? This is Natalya Arlovskaya speaking how may I help you?"

"Hello, this is _____ from _____ hospital, you were on Alfred F. Jones' emergency contacts which to my surprise that you're the only one. I'm calling to tell you that there was an accident and two cars, driving and crashed into each other the debris from the crash somehow had cut into his throat and luckily we were able to save him," they paused before continuing "We would like to explain more once you are in the hospital, so please come and we'll explain more in details."

Natalya's eyes widen a bit before morphing into one concern for her friend, "Which hospital to be exact again?" she asks making sure to jolt down the address mentally.

As she quickly ran out of her hotel room and started up her rented car rushing to the hospital while making sure she obeyed the driving laws. (No she didn't, she just used the shortcuts while avoiding the police)

She ran towards the registration immediately asking where Alfred's room was before being pulled aside from a doctor dragging her to the room on the fourth floor of the building.

"Ms. Arlovskaya right?" the doctor asks, "Yes that's me."

"So I don't know how to put this but he might be either mute temporary or mute unable to use his voice permanently, his vocal cords were severely damaged by the debris that was lodged in there which managed to get in there pretty deep. For some reason he recovered pretty fast and I'm sure that was what kept him from dying," the doctor explains. Natalya's face was calm but her eyes betrayed her and showed worry, her thoughts were racing. She was brought back to reality but the doctor who was snapping in front of her face multiple times, "I didn't get to finish that but we are leaning more towards him be mute for a few months before being able to talk again, just as long as no harm is done to the throat that is, but judging by the damage alone I doubt he'll be able to speak as it was extremely severe. But the possibility of him being permanently mute is not far off the table either but we're still gonna run a few tests just in case," he finishes while opening the door signaling for her to enter the room.

She stares at the man in front of her on the bed. He looked peaceful, she hasn't seen him sleep properly in months she would have nearly mistook him as dead if it weren't for the soft rise and fall of his chest.

"I'll try to contact his family, but they aren't really close from what I can see," she informs the doctor. He nods as he leaves the room, she dials England's number first.

He doesn't pick up, she tries again once again no response. This time she tries France and he picks up, "Bonjour? This is Francis," he greets the unknown number.

"France, it's me Belarus," she swears she felt France tensed when he heard her name, not like it was uncommon, she scared the living hell out of everyone. "Before you hang up please just listen to me," she pleads. "Alright. . ." The voice sounded weary from her side of the phone.

"America is in the hospital right now," she drops the bomb on him. And the other side goes silent.

She hears a faint "What?" from the other side (Hello from the other sideee~)

"Can you come over? I'll give you the name of the hospital, just come over. He might need some comfort from family once he wakes up-"

"Address, please?" The Frenchman interrupts.

The call with France went smoothly but for Canada and England... They didn't pick up.

------ Break line aka timeskip ------

She sees the blonde Frenchman enter the hospital and drags him to the room America was currently situated in while explaining what the doctors had told her about his condition.

"So he could be mute permanently? Unable to talk?"he repeats like a broken record. She nodded her head for the umpteenth time as the Frenchman repeated what she told him.

"Yes, at least that's what the doctors said," she repeated once again to the Frenchman as they sat beside the unconscious American.

Belarus looked at her friend with worry, France stared at Belarus then to America.

France notices the eyebags, America looked like he hadn't slept until now. It was kinda an awful sight to see, and he hadn't noticed. France silently curses at himself for not paying attention or noticing anything about the younger nation.

Poor America, the boy was being forgotten.

––– Sometime later –––

Belarus and France were in the hospital for awhile, they took breaks of course and ate the lunch that the hospital had offered them. The food was bad but they didn't complain because the food was just food to them.

It wasn't until two hours later that he woke up. Belarus and France were just chatting about America until they heard groaning. Belarus went to inform the doctors and France was the first person America saw once he awoke.

America tried to speak but was unable to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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