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Eve's POV

year since i was 4 me, my mom, and Tahlia have gon to my grandmothers house in Cousins, but my grandmother passed away about 6 years ago so the house was now ours.

I was currently in the car beside my sister, we had decided to take my car while my mom took hers, me and Tahlia are always close but were especially close during summer. Every summer its just us, we go to the beach, the boardwalk, go night swimming, and talk about every giy we saw and thought was cute. it was our routine, a perfect one, but something felt different this summer, it wasnt us, we were still the same, it was me who was different, guys had always hit on tahlia while i stood in the shadows, she never let me get lost in them though. This summer my hair was grown out and i developed a sense of what i believe is a killer style, and my mother says that im "growing into my body as a women." Maybe this would be the summer a guy notices me.

Im taken out of my thoughts when Novacane by Frank Ocean started playing through the speakers of my car, me and Tahlia exchange one glance and start singing the lyrics as loud as we possibly can. (A/N this song itches my brain in such a good way omfg) "are you ready for another awesome summer?" Tahlia asks. "Ready as I'll ever be." I reply. Tahlia stays looking at me "you've really grown up gorgeous sis." She says smiling. "Are you kidding me look at you! You've always been pretty." I say back. We continue singing along to songs and chatting about our hopeful plans for the summer. and that's when we see it "cousins beach" the sign reads. About five minutes later we pull into the driveway of our house, my mother had already arrived with all our things, we entered the house and heard my mother talking to someone we enter the kitchen and we a blonde women standing next to her.

"Oh girls you're here, These are my Girls Evelyn and Tahlia, girls this is Susannah, her family stays in the house next door." My mother says introducing us. "Hello." Me and Tahlia say in unison. She smiles and whispers to my mother "your girls are gorgeous." "I know right." My mother whispers back. Me and Tahlia share glances that only we know what they mean. Suddenly my mother speaks "Susannah said that she has two boys Jeremiah and Conrad who are your guy's age." She says. "I'd introduce you but they've already wandered off somewhere." She says. "Bummer." Tahlia says. "Well it was nice meeting you Susannah, Me and Lia should probably go unpack though, and maybe we will see them around." I say successfully getting us out of that conversation. "Thank you, god I don't know why moms are always trying to set us up with their sons." Tahlia says quietly as we walk up the stairs. "I know right it's kinda silly." I reply back.

I'm almost finished unpacking when Tahlia busts Into my room. "OMG we should SO go swimming right now." She says jumping on my bed already in her swimsuit. "Ok ok sure let me get dressed first." I say. I open the drawer specifically for swim wear and pull out a white swimsuit with blue flowers, then a pair of Jean shorts

 I open the drawer specifically for swim wear and pull out a white swimsuit with blue flowers, then a pair of Jean shorts

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here's what they look like

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here's what they look like

I slide on my slides and grab my already packed beach tote. I always loved the beach something about it is so calming, and like a place where you can just be free from the world . After our short walk to the beach, we find a spot and set our things down, by time I got to the water Tahlia was basically already out at sea. We swam around and jumped in waves until we felt like to could no longer move our legs. I sit down in my spot and grab my book out of my bag. I was about four pages I to my book when All of a sudden there is now a football in my lap, a boy comes running up to me. "I am so sorry." He says, god this man is gorgeous i think to myself. "Your good." I say handing him the ball back. "Are you new around here?" He asks. "Nope, been coming here since I was 4." I answer. "And I thought I knew everyone." He says smiling making eye contact with me. "Dude what's with all the chitchat?" Another boy says now standing next to him. "Nothing" he says giving him a similar look I give my sister who is now sat up and fully invested. "Sooo are you coming to the bonfire tonight?" He asks. "Awe Ev a guy who's name you don't even know is inviting you somewhere." Tahlia says. "Oh right I'm Jeremiah." The guy says. "Evelyn." I reply. "And to answer your question I don't know but we might stop by for a bit." I say smiling. "Well you should come." Jeremiah says. "You shall see." I say, we stay making eye contact before a faint "Dude" in the background is noticeable. "Gotta go before my brother explodes, I'll maybe see you later?" Jeremiah says. "Maybe." I say smiling. "Bye." He says smiling. "Bye." I say back. "Ok we are DEFINITELY going." Tahlia says. "Deadass?" I ask. "Uh yeah, I don't know if you could tell but you guys were totally flirting I mean the whole "maybe" thing he was basically begging you to come so we are going." Tahlia says. "Ok fine we are going" I reply and I can't help but smile.

This boy was going to be the death of me this summer I just know it.

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