Chapter 2

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Twitch was running.

Darting back and forth through the treetops, feeling bark beneath her paws as she leaped silently from branch to branch. Her green eyes scanned the auburn leaves for good hiding spots—she was glad her short-furred pelt was a nice medium grey, letting her blend in with just about anything.

But some make it easier than the rest. Twitch spotted a tree with long roots—or tendrils?— and hurtled towards it. She breathed in the soft scent of the dirt, singing with forest flavor, as she nestled herself into a space within the roots.

"Ready or not!" Eevee's call was bright and chirpy, yet had that mischievous hint that always sounded like he was up to no good. Twitch nestled herself deeper, claws digging into the dirt. Her heart pounded, but she realised it was from exhilaration instead of terror.

She hadn't felt like this before Sparkstar changed her life.

Pawsteps battered the ground around her as the other young cats descended from the treetops. "Twitch! Come out wherever you are," came Eevee's playful voice.

Twitch heard sniffing noises. "Her scent is fresh." The steady, thoughtful mew was Splash's. Twitch stiffened and willed herself to stay still and not laugh.

"Hunting her like prey!" A teasing meow piped up. "I vote we hunt for real since we're down here. Trickle will be hungry when he wakes up." Despite the neutral words, Lichen's tone was snarky as always.

Being careful not to make a sound, Twitch slipped from her hiding spot. This was part of their game; if the hiders managed to sneak up on the seeker without getting caught, they won automatically. The wiry she-cat snuck behind the others, muscles trembling with anticipation. "Surprise."

Eevee turned in shock, flicking his tail back and forth as he finally spotted her. "Aw, are you serious? We've been here two days, but you go and find the best hiding spots immediately!"

"You might be the only one with the power to prank him, Twitch, if you'd actually do it." Lichenpaw padded back towards them, a vole caught in her jaws. She dropped it before her brother, and Splash eagerly tore it into three parts to share, saving one for Trickle.

"I doubt so." Twitch had seen a lot of Eevee's pranks by now and knew he could get away with pretty much anything.

Eevee puffed out his chest. "Pranking a pranker is not a good idea. But you're undefeated, Twitch! At least for now." He gave her a mischievous look, and Twitch felt pride warming her pelt.

Just then the rustle of grass filled the air as Alderwing, Creekstorm, Moosebloom, and the MarshClan deputy Clayrain appeared in sight. Moosebloom pranced up to them in her usual way and greeted them with a friendly wave of her tail. "Hey! What are you guys up to today?"

"Hide and seek," Splash explained with a purr. "Twitch won, of course."

Moosebloom purred, giving Twitch a smile that made her pelt prickle a little. Sure, she got along with the other young cats just fine, but...part of her still wanted to avoid the older ones. They were so much bigger and stronger, although on the surface Twitch knew cats like Moosebloom meant no harm.

"Did you catch that?" Alderwing asked Lichen, gesturing at the vole the siblings were eating.

Lichen nodded happily, and the calico she-cat looked impressed. Creekstorm gave her kit a nod of approval. Twitch was happy for her companion; as great as winning had been, she was just glad that the spotlight had shifted away from her.

Clayrain flicked his tail. "Well done, young one. But I have to say that that's against the warrior code." Twitch stared up at the warrior as he looked down at them with clouded blue eyes. "Elders, queens, sick or injured cats and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. You may not feel it now, but there is hardly enough prey for everyone in leaf-bare."

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