Chapter Two: Introverted

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I give her some of Ryan's sleeping pills and put her to bed. "What did I do?" Ryan asks next to me, also staring at sleeping Dahlia. "Nothing. She has a bad past, next time please don't get her drunk." I tell him and walk away. "Wait. What happened to her?" He asks. "It's not my place to say, all I'll say is I'm a horrible brother for not preventing it." I say feeling the same sorrow and anger as when I was 17. Ryan let me leave and I head home.

Balz is sitting my living room. "Dude, she's fine." I tell him when I see him, he is so in love with her and I think she feels the same way but is too scared to actually love someone. Ryan's just a fuck buddy to her. "Sorry, I had to know." He yawns. "I get it. Feel free to crash here." I tell him since he's already about to pass out. "Thanks man." He nods and lays down of the couch.

I walk into my room and change into sweats. "Nice butt." Opal's voice says. "How do you know where I live?" I ask confused. "Chris told me." She says getting off my bed and walking over to me. "Oh." I say as she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses the corner of my mouth. "Didn't you have to go do something, only like an hour ago?" I ask. "I did, I had to go pick my brother up from a concert." She says kissing my neck, "Hmm." I respond.

I kiss her, hard. She smirks while kissing me back and takes dominance over me. We quickly get into bed and she let me be on top. I was extremely tired but not tired enough to say no. As we move against eachother, she moans rather loudly and I hope we didn't wake Balz in the next room. She giggles a little and kisses me. "He's out. He didn't wake up." She comforts my thoughts.

When I wake up, Opal is asleep, on my chest. Her hair is everywhere, tangled, and is the sexiest version of sex hair I've ever seen. The blankets are thrown on the floor accept for the thin one covering us. I kiss her hair and close my eyes.

I haven't done something like this since I was Dahl's age. Back then I cared more about the sex than the person. I was a huge player and I hated it but did it anyway but when I went after Chris' sister he emotionally screwed with me until I broke. I sounds bad but I'm grateful, I was a wreck hiding behind the girls I slept with. He broke my shell and Dahlia and Balz rebuilt a better one.

As nice as it must be not having me be a man-whore, everyone complains I'm too quiet, too introverted, but I always was when I was a kid. Dahl likes me shy, it leaves me all for her, but she just likes attention because she does pay attention to her own problems. She's just like me, hiding behind an ego of extrovertedness that neither of us are.

Opal woke up and kissed me, "Morning." She smiles. I twirl a piece of her hair in my fingers, without speaking. "Your so quiet." She laughes, kissing the tip of my nose. I smile, flipping us over and kissing her.

"Ghost do you have a girl in there?" I hear Balz ask through the door. I ignore him, kissing Opal, tongue and all. "I'll come in if you don't answer." He threatens. "Fine, yes I do, go away." I yell back slightly out of breath. Balz laughes and I hear him walk away.

"What time is it?" She asks. "Ummmm. 12:30." I say reading the clock. "Ok, thank you. I can't see without my contacts." She smiles and I notice her once grey eyes were now blue and green. Literally two different colors. "Your eyes, they are so beautiful." I whisper looking at them. "Thank you."

She kisses me and says, "Hey, I gotta go soon." I get off her, "Okay." I nod. I watch her get dressed and say, "Nice Butt." She laughs and leans over the bed to kiss me. "I wish I didn't have to leave." She says going back to fixing her hair. "Opal, your hair looks great, messy hair is sexy and I'll call you." I tell her. "Ha. It's only sexy to you because you're the one who messed it up and okay." She smiles and throws some clothes at me. "Perhaps you could get up too?" She suggests.

I throw on the clothes and follow her out. Balz, Ricky, and Chris were sitting on the couch, "Morning." Opal says like nothing happened. "Morning to you too." Ricky gives her his best smile. "Well, Devin I gotta go. Get together again sometime soon?" She asks as I nod and she kisses my forehead, "Bye."

"So..." Chris starts, "Do not even." I glare at him. "Okay..." He says as I make myself some lunch. "Have you talked to Dahlia?" Balz asks me, "Since last night? No. I've been kinda busy if you didn't notice." I say in a 'Duh' voice. "She broke up with Ryan, this morning." Ricky says. "Oh. I'm cool with that." I smile shrugging. "Wait. Why bring it up, she's done it 20 times before." I ask looking at the trio and Chris and Ricky stared at Balz.

"Oh... You must be happy."

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