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"BREE!" Mari yells from across my dorm. "HAVE YOU SEEN MY WAND?" 

I roll my eyes "It's on your bed." 

"Oh thank goodness. I need to curl my hair before we're late!"

"We're not gonna be late." I say still applying my makeup over by my desk. 

"That's what you always say because you love when we're late." Mari is always stressed like this. Tonight is the Slytherins Christmas ball they hold it every year on the 15th of December. It's only for 4th years and above of Slytherins house. The only way non Slytherins can get in is with a little  snake bracelet around their wrist. The Slytherins go full out with it. This is my second year and I know you really need to dress up. I slip my dress on. It's a dark blue silk that only goes over one shoulder. It's tight around the waist and then flows down my legs to the ground. It's got quite a large slit going up it, showing off my tan. The affect when i walk is supposed to be like flowing water, Mari's told me it looks like that but I'm not so sure. I put on the jewellery the girls got me back in Hogsmede and paint my nails again. Mari's dress is green and a lot more flamboyant than mine. She's very keen on fitting in. It's a similar shape to mine accept the skirt goes a lot wider than mine. Like a proper ballgown. 

"I suppose you want me to straighten your hair?" She asks me whilst applying her lipstick. My makeup is subtle but noticeable. I've done the usual but added some blue and silver eyeshadow and a bit more highlighter to my cheeks then normal to really make them glow. 

"If you would?" I ask like a child wanting her mum to buy her a chocolate. She lets out a groan as she grabs her wand muttering to herself whilst she tugs on my hair. My waves are instantly gone as my hair sits completely straight on my shoulders. "You're a saint." I say looking at myself in the mirror. She's managed to get my brown hair completely straight and when i move it flows like water. That's my desired impression. 

"I'm so glad you picked that dress." She smiles at me. "It matches your eyes completely." Before i can answer she picks up her wand "Now can we please leave" 

"Yeah. I was waiting for you" I tease as she swats me with her arm. 

We walk down to the dungeons and are greeted by Crabbe & Goyle who check our wrists for the bracelets and allow us to enter. The dungeons look stunning. Slytherin has managed to put green lights everywhere and give it an ominous feel along with smoke settling around the floor. They have holly running over all window sills and mantle places. The fountain that's usually filled with water is filled with a shimmery green liquid. They have all Christmas canapés being carried by 3rd years. Everybody's dressed up girls are in dresses, boys are in suits. Some mix it up. Everybody looks stunning with their matching bracelets too. Slytherin usually has a cold atmosphere but tonight It's different. It's got a real sense of community that we don't really see. The fire's are lit and turned green too. They've done a brilliant job. Mari agrees mouth open in shock as she sees their Christmas tree. It's about ten feet tall and covered in sliver, green lights and baubles. A 3rd year comes around to us with champagne and we take it gratefully. I don't know how they managed to get it here but they did. I look around, saying hi to the people i recognise but i don't see anyone from the other houses. Just me and Mari. 

Half of the drinks here we've never seen before. Me and Mari try a bit of each of them completely interested. The music is loud but calm as classical music echoes. Everybody gathers to the centre to start dancing. It was a formal ball but not one where you needed a date. People would come over to you if they wanted to dance. I feel a tap on my shoulder and am met with blue eyes. Me and Draco walk to the centre as Blaise takes Mari's arm. I always dance with Draco first. His hand meets my waist and i try not to laugh. As the music starts we move around the ballroom. Draco is a brilliant dancer but i step on his toes all the time. We're both laughing at each other. 

Theodore Nott x Bree ThorneWhere stories live. Discover now