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Bree's POV 

"Mari" I yawn. "Would you please stop staring at Blaise and stir the potion like you're supposed too."

This potions class was not with Nott, in fact the only people I knew in it were Blaise, Mari & Daph. 

Her mouth opens wide whilst she gawks at me, her eyes sharp as she whispers hitting me in the arm. "I was not staring at him."

"Fine" I shrug "Then you were definitely eye fucking him."

She slaps me on the arm agains whispering aggressively in my ear. "That's so much worse. How can you not see how that's worse!"

I roll my eyes. "I can just ask if he likes you"

She pulls the sides of her face down in despair and lets out a massive groan "Ugh do you know nothing! One does not simply ask Blaise Zabini out. He is a complex man with a complex character"

"He's a man?" 


"Just tell him." I say grabbing another ingredient. "He's literally so horny."

"You're disgusting" She shrieks shaking her head. "No wonder Nott likes you." She says laughing. 

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" I laugh with her. 

"He's almost as horny as you"

"I am not horny all the time"

"Oh okay" She says in a voice that tells me she's not believing me. "So what's it like being in a room with him?" She says staring the potion whilst looking at Blaise. 

"Like being in a room with a German shepherd"

"Oh my god they're my favourite dogs!"

"You're actually insane."

Her mouth drops again. "Tell me you're not psychoanalysing everything Nott has ever done to you? Like I mean that hamper was pretty out of the blue"

"Nott is completely different"

"That's a yes." She says smugly 

"I think you can have an opinion when you actually go on a date with Blaise"

"What like you have with Nott?" She's caught me there. 

"I don't want to date Nott"

"You just want to have sex with him, see him all the time and go places with him." She shrugs like sarcastically. "Completely normals friend behaviour." I hate that she knows me. 

"Hey Zabini" I call over to Blaise. He looks over at me dark eyes focusing. "You, Mari and dinner on Friday."

He smiles sweetly letting out a small laugh. "Yeah. Sure." He grins. 

Mari's mouth is wide in shock as she looks at me. Her face smashes onto the table as she lets out a mortified groan. "I can't believe you just did that. UGH. Now i look like a pussy. I'm gonna have to do something to combat this. I'll have to wear something mega hot." Her head perks up. "You got me a date with Zambini and I have to wear something hot! Oh my God."

"Miss De'dry, could you please refrain from screaming in the middle of my lessons." Snape snaps from across the room. 

She smiles widely as if she's apologising then turns back to me. 

"You asks guys out all the time? Why is Blaise different?"

"Because my silly silly silly best friend Blaise Zabini is like one of the top Bachelors in the nation along with Nott, Draco & Potter and some others. His photos on Teen wizard weekly! He's mega important."

Theodore Nott x Bree ThorneWhere stories live. Discover now