Otacon and Snake extract data pertaining to the location of the Wisemen's Comitee. An interim investigation on the Patriots begins.
Raiden takes a secretarial job from Roy Campbell at the CIA.
Jack Knight hijacks the Patriots' hidden Metal Gear RAYs in Manhattan and stages a terrorist attack. He is stopped by Solid Snake. Jack Knight dies.
The U.N. votes majorly in favor of the legality of PMCs in the world.2010:
The United Nations' Conflict Network diploma is passed, which dictates the U.S. military and associated PMC personnel must carry nanomachines in their bodies connected to a network maintained by ArmsTech.
Otacon and Snake separate from Caroline. Philanthropy begins operating in secret.
Raiden makes contact with Boris Popov.2011:
Rosemary fakes a miscarriage to protect her child from the Patriots.
Raiden discovers Rosemary's fake affair with Roy and leaves her.
Raiden and Boris gather the remnants of the Gurlukovich group and attack Area 51 to rescue Sunny from the Patriots.
Raiden joins Big Mama and the Anti-Patriots Paradise Lost Army.
The US declares the end of the Iraq War.
Japan is hit by a great earthquake on its eastern coast. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident occurs.
The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) comes into effect.2012:
The Patriots activate the Detention Pour Mineurs protocol on Solid Snake. Solid Snake begins rapidly aging.
Raiden is captured by the Patriots and used as a test subject in exoskeletal enhancement surgery experiments.2013:
Big Mama rescues Raiden from the Patriots, and recovers Solidus' biomort, believing it to be Big Boss's comatose body.2014:
Roy Campbell makes contact with Old Snake and Hal Emmerich and briefs them on Liquid Ocelot's insurrection.
The "Guns of the Patriots" insurrection begins.
Misterio / SuspensoSolid Snake and Otacon team up with Colonel Campbell and an agent of the Patriots to stop them from legislating the full legality of PMCs with the UN, as well as a rogue member of the Patriots attempting a mass terrorist attack to make the US veto t...