New Beginnings I Guess

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Hello, Moshi~Moshi~
The names Samantha Fineroad. I am 15 years old. I love to read stories, watch some entertainment, listening to music and I was studied at xxx junior highschool as a 3rd year student. Or should I say, I once was a student and once did go by the name, Samantha Fineroad. At the 12th of December 20XX, my life was taken from me by an incurable disease. Sounds like I'm a terminally ill extra, right? Well I'm not offended for those reading this log of mine. Where did I end? Right!!! Anyways, my life should've ended then and there, but I guess my love for a classic Isekai story save me, because the next thing I knew, I met a god or a ROB. Now you know how this goes, right? Because you'd be right for thinking such, I ended up meeting a bored entity, who then proposed to me another chance in life but I can only be reborn as a villainess character.

"Sounds like a bummer, right?" Oh and I'm still talking them right now with me sitting on standing on a broken floor while they're sitting on throne holding god knows how many tree vines with both arms and the rest strapping him on his stoney grand seat

"You guessed it Loki" I said to the him. It's honestly fascinating that my life or should I say, death would lead me to talking to none other to Loki Laufeyson. No, I'm not talking about the Nordic Mythology one but the MCU's version. Y'know, the one, who's played Tom Hiddleston, who played as Loki, who achieved his glorious purpose. Which by the way sounds like a very boring job

"Well I can't deny that but spare me my feelings will you. I mean I am giving you a new life after all." Loki said to me calmly but there was hint of irritation and tiredness from his voice.

"Sorry about that" I scratched my head while l laughing sheepishly at the god, who just scoffs at my response. I deserve that response

I honestly like him, and no, not the love like kind. His growth as a character from the movies to the series were by far a good one in my opinion. I don't fully comprehend his actions throughout the different movies he appeared in but the last ones he's done where quite a spectacle for a mere view like myself and impacted my view as I wonder what my purpose in life would be. A nurse, a caring housewife perhaps? Pfft Hahahaha, Who knows? My story as Samantha Fineroad was already over so I won't know. But...

"I accept your offer" I said looking at Loki. This time I'll make sure in my next life I'll find my purpose while enjoying myself.

"Good" Loki blurted. Seconds later, blue cube appeared before us. I looked and wondered 'Is that a tesseract'. While I make assumptions, Loki laughed a bit, "It seems you're having doubts" he knows

"I mean I know what this is-" before I could finish, he interrupted "It's not a tesseract" His answer made me wonder so I asked "Then what is it? What does it do?"

"This right here is a character cube. You touch the cube and it immediately let's you enter one of the many villainesses I've chosen" He sighed after giving his answer. "Ok, so I just need to touch the cube?"

He nodded before saying something, "Yes, and don't worry no strings attached. I promise you have complete control of your life" I stifled a laugh after hearing that assurance of his. I mean he's done so many betrayals that I'm not surprised he's a god. Hold it in Samantha, don't laugh at your ticket to new life

"*Sigh* Well, I guess this is it." I said looking at Loki showing a small wry smile. He must've known what I'll choose so I continued, "Thank you" I touched the cube soon after, blinding me with a blue glow. I closed my eyes to due to light and next thing I knew it, I stood at room. Completely foreign to my knowledge yet somehow feels familiar.

"Where am I exactly?" I shut my mouth and immediately looked around. 'Phew no one's around' I thought feeling relieved. "Hmmm, Testing.. Testing."
I blurted before going into a thinking position 'Ok, I absolutely have no idea who this voice belongs to. Must be someone I don't have much familiarity'

After moment of thought, I then realized that the place I'm at looks quite extravagant and huge. That makes me quite curious as to who I am now, so I decided to check around the place to find a mirror. It didn't take long as I found one at the bathroom.

Now time to see who this person is. "3,2,1, Go!!!" I moved to see my reflection at body sized mirror "Aha I am.... Uhh" 🤔🤔😬😐. "Who is this?" I blurted as I appeared in the mirror's reflection to be blonde, wearing white jeans, a white shirt with black stripes, yellow short jacket. It seems the original wore a large amount of make up and I'm not having it stuck to my face now.

So I washed it off and then I looked back at the mirror. Well this is something, the original looks pretty much good looking without the makeup. "Now for the hair, it looks nice but it doesn't fit my style" I inspected my appearance in the mirror while pondering what to do.

I snapped out of my thoughts and decided to just cut my hair. Why? Because I like having short hair better due to my experience of having it many times. Also I'd rather avoid the original's previous looks as it just feels quite weird for my taste. I'm leaning to just casual or anything really. So I decided to scurry around the place found the scissors, went to get a hand mirror. But before I stopped "Maybe I should just leave it be" I had second thoughts so I cancelled the idea.

"I need to check if there's anything here that can- Aha!" I walked towards a phone on a rather big bed. Gosh, they must be absurdly rich. Anyways I grabbed the phone and opened it. 'Huh? This one doesn't have a password lock?' I thought. This is surprising, there's no gaming apps!!! How do they live with that!? I know there are people with different likes, dislikes, ideologies and such, but whoever this person was might as well be an alien in my book!!!

"Unbelievable" was the only word I could blurt out. 40 something minutes later, I am currently scrolling down her messages and it seems a person named, Sabrina calls me Chloe. Hmmm.. Nope, still doesn't ring a bell

I also found out that currently I'm at paris as I see the Eiffel Tower at a certain distance through my balcony and it's also dark out. Meaning, I should rest but first, "Here the dinner you ordered, Mademoiselle" a butler looking to be in his mid 30s informed me while hold my requested meal, steak with a rice.

"Thanks... um sorry what's your name again?" I smiled awkwardly as I looked at the butler, who appeared to show a furrowed up brow at my words

'Crap, does he know!?' I'm panicking internally at the thought of being found out. Fortunately, his next words removed my previous worries, "It's Armand, mademoiselle" he said calmly. 'Phew he seems to have no idea' I thought and hope it stays that way.

"Thanks for being by my side Armand" I said to him feeling happy. I don't know why but I feel like saying it suddenly. It's seems to be a good idea as I see him smile back before talking again then leaving soon after.

'That was close for comfort Sam. We need to be more vigilant' I said to myself as I took a bite of the steak. Man, the textures so soft and taste is delicious. Pairing it along with rice makes it better that I scarfed it all down with almost nothing remaining on my plate.

After finishing, called Armand to pick up my plate and informed him to wake me at 6 in the morning. "Now it's to sleep Sam, correction, Chloe." With that I headed to the couch with a blanket and closed my eyes, going to sleep for the night. Cheers to a new beginning I guess.

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