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Previously, Chloe was spared from being turned into paste by a clone of Stoneheart as the villain was de-evilized by Marinette aka Ladybug along with Chat Noir.

Speaking of Marinette, Chloe once again met her via an accidental bumping. Our blonde protagonist took the encounter as a chance that she then questioned Marinette if she wants to be friends. Of course it didn't go well as Chloe short circuited the Asian girl. Now Marinette is trying to think what's going on while mentally panicking while Chloe wonders if she screwed up also panicking.

This is awkward. I thought as I sat down with Marinette right beside me in discomfort at my situation. What's the current situation exactly? Well after my blunder in befriending Marinette near Francoise Dupont, we decided to change our location to the park.

 What's the current situation exactly? Well after my blunder in befriending Marinette near Francoise Dupont, we decided to change our location to the park

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When we got there, I realized that the place was literally near walking to Marinette's family bakery and house. Man I should really pay attention to my surroundings. Since Marinette's place was close, I decided to buy some macarons before leading to my situation of sitting with the heroine.

'This really is awkward.' I thought as I took a bite of a macaron. The silence was the only thing going around us because surprisingly, there weren't any other civilians in the premise. Not that'll care but who'm I trying convince!!! Of course I care because I need someone to break the current atmosphere. It's killing me to have this moment of awkwardness.

"Woah" I heard someone gasp in shock. Wait why does Marinette look shock? I look at her before asking, "Are you Ok?" hearing she the looked at me incredulously

"I should be the one saying that!!!" She yelled causing to be taken aback at the sudden change of mood. Marinette continued, "I mean you're eating a lot of macarons and I mean like a lot!!!" the blue haired girl pointed out what's behind me. What's behind me?

Boxes, just a lot of empty boxes. Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose afterwards while I sweated profusely in my head if I did anything wrong. "I don't know what I did but I was just hungry to eat something sweet and savory" I said to her which gained me a nod of agreement.

"I get what you mean but did you have to eat most of them in one go?" She asked to which I said "Yes!" No thoughts and hesitation needed. "Pft-hahaha" Marinette laughed which caused me to tilt my head in response with question marks before laughing along with the heroine and asked "Why are you laughing?"

"It's because you looked funny when how about you?" She answered while asking back. 'Did I look funny?' I wondered as I wiped off the imaginary tear as I smiled, "It's because your laugh is contagious"

We began a series of friendly chatter. Talking about likes, dislikes and preferences that we have yet to categorize in our heads. This went on for half an hour or so before Marinette asked me a question, one that I anticipated "Did you lose your memory?"

Ok just as predicted. I thought before responding to Marinette, "Ping Pong!!! Ten billion points!!!" I said in a cheerful tone which received the look of disbelief and bewilderment from the blue haired girl. Well seeing that made me think of an artist that says a very nice line so 'Why stoooop Heere!?!'

"Now that I answered you're question Mari-chan. It's my turn to ask you!!" I told her, getting myself a nod from the heroine as she took a bite of some macarons she had on her person so I continued, "So what was I like? Y'know before I lost my memory" I tapped both my fore fingers together as I inquired

Marinette, who was eating, paused her chewing as she looks like she's thinking her answers. 'Was the original that bad?' I sweat dropped at the thought. The OG Chloe might be more horrible than I ever imagine

But let's not jump to- "You were definitely quite the character" Marinette averted her eyes away from my gaze. 'Ok the original is that bad!!!' I screamed internally as I felt disdain at the original's character. I mean the heroine said quite. Quite!? That sounds like a euphemism to me for 'unbelievably rude' or something between the lines of anything negative to social standards.

It now becomes obvious or clear to me the reaction of Armand, her father's status as mayor, and last but not least, the heroine looking flabbergasting were due to the original. So to officially conclude it in my dunderhead of a brain...

"I'm basically a villainess" I said bluntly. I turned to see Marinette's response and I see the heroine nodding her head "Yes!- Uh I mean no!!!" I looked at her and just immediately went back to my thoughts, 'So I'm pretty much possessing a bonafide bitch of a villainess... Oh well at least she's rich I can pretty much do alot of things with that in mind'

Samantha concluded the bright side in her situation. She kept "worrying" about it but it's actually quite satisfying to herself. Why? Because Samantha now has what she didn't have before in her past life. Within the limit of how much she can get, which could be a crap load of money due to the father, Samantha can buy anything she wants; food, games, hard copies of some light novels and such are becoming more possible to be attained for our possessor, who likes these things.

Samantha started to crank the gears in her head at the things she could tomorrow with that money but that could wait since we have you readers

(A/N: Yeah there's someone narrating)

"I'm sorry Chloe, I didn't mean to" Marinette said causing the blonde, who she apologized to to snap out of her thoughts. "It's alright it's not like I remember a thing" the blonde haired girl stated not really hearing the genuine concern from the girl.

"Anyways it's getting late. I should get back unless I won't incur my father's worry and wrath so sayonara. Also tell your parents that their macarons were delicious!!!" As Chloe was finishing her sentence she took her litter and threw them on a bin before leaving Marinette alone at a rapid pace. The blue haired heroine could only stare at where Chloe left as she then sighed before show a small smile, "I guess I'm not the only one who changed."

Marinette then headed back home and went to her room after greeting her parents. Once inside her personal space, her bag started to move a bit before it was opened.

A small red creature then flew out from inside as it then looked at the Asian girl. It was Tikki, Marinette's kwami as well an entity with the authorities of creation in her possession.

"That Chloe seems like a nice girl, Marinette" the kwami spouted as Marinette immediately agreed with that statement

"Yeah I wish that was the case before" she whispered very lowly as for her little friend not to hear but it didn't escape Tikki's ears.

"What do you mean, Marinette?" Tikki tilted her head as she floated around her owner. Marinette sigh as she needed to explain it to her so she sat down and began a long talk with her kwami.

Meanwhile, Chloe got back to the hotel and is currently feeling discomfort. Why? "Ahhh my sweet daughter are you alright you didn't get hurt when you left right!?" A middle aged man was currently hugging her that's why!!!

'Andre Bourgeois, the original's father is too caring!!!' she thinks to herself as she tries to get away from the hug while Armand, who's there to witness the event just shrugs it as a normal occurance and continued his duties.

Miraculous Ladybug: I'm a Villainess!? Oh WellWhere stories live. Discover now