The Role

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Previously, Chloe was discussing her new mystical item from a game. It was Fontaine Vision with some new features added on by Neo, which allows her to disguise herself perfectly.

Possessing such an item could only be described as ✨ miraculous ✨. Get it!!!Anyways, Chloe decided to use the customized Vision to her advantage and fulfill her ideas.

Which lead to Chloe meeting a bummed out Marinette but not as the blonde brat, but as Furina De Fontaine.

"You can call me Furina" she said with a soft smile. "Oh okay Furina" I responded, gaining a nod of satisfaction from her. She then began to list down some eclairs we have available to which I start to pack in a box

While doing that, I began to formulate a question inside my head. Who is she? I haven't met anyone like her in Paris so she must be a foreigner. Not to mention her outfit sure is unique and beautiful. I want to ask her who made her clothes but I shouldn't do that. Why?

Cuz today's my first time meeting her and I'd be labeled as a weirdo if I ask her out of no where. Besides I have other problems to deal with class will begin again. So let's focus on just finishing her order.

(Imagine Marinette finished packing up the last box)

"Ok, Furina here's your eclairs" I gave her a bag containing three boxes of her order. Furina grabbed a bag and smiled at me as she started to head towards the entrance after paying off the eclair boxes. As Furina was about to leave she paused her steps

"Oh right, I forgot about something" I heard Furina's voice as she turned back to look at me with those teardrop like irises, "Do you have a role in a play?" Furina inquired as she continued her unwavering gaze.

I shook my head and answered, "No, why do you ask?" I don't know why she asked so I got curious.

"It's just you look like it's your first time rehearsing a new role" She stated causing me flinch at her words. "Is that so? Hehe~" I laughed awkwardly as I felt my back sweating excessively.

"I guess I hit the spot" Furina hummed gently while I widened my eyes, she then continued, "I don't know, the problem that you're dealing with but , I can only see it as a role you need to learn and I bet you'll do it accordingly. If you make mistakes, it's ok, just learn from them to avoid repeating it. I can only guess you're new to your dilemma so just focus on passing it. So I bid you farewell Miss Marinette~~" she then left before I could say anything

"That was... Um wait, did I tell her my name?" I said as I looked at the place where she stood.

*Ring* *Ring*

Oh Alya's calling me, meaning school's back again. "Mom! Dad! I'll be going back to class see you!!!" I yelled before taking my bag and leaving the bakery.

Heading to school as fast as I can, I started to repeat the words Furina said inside my mind. A role huh? I wonder if she knows my role.

Man that was a great! I finally got to chat with Marinette without bumping into by accident. Seeing her up close was nice. Marinette's appearance honestly screams protagonist character even if I didn't know it. I kinda wished I could've seen the rest of season 1 all the way to the last season because I'm curious how the story of the shy and cute heroine e me

But oh well, I have a front row seat when that happens. I may have not befriended her but at least I introduced myself and I have many opportunities to meet her again so becoming friends with her is just a matter of time.

Now that I'm far from Marinette's bakery, I started to check my Honkai Star Rail account before I stopped my fingers from moving any further as I realized something.

"Damn it" I cursed softly so no one overheard. I forgot that when I met Neo, he showed me that my efforts playing HSR have been erase by one hour meaning something happened. I really hoped it wasn't the case so I checked my account while sitting at one of the benches of a park. Please don't be true, please don't be true. I thought pleading that it didn't happen

(One game login in later)

Ok. I checked. I am now certain that everything was changed!!! And no, not in a good way, my trailblazing mission is currently one on my trip to the underworld city of belobog. I already finished that along with the Cocolia boss fight!!! GODDAMN IT!!!

Is this what it feels like to have progress to be gone in a game? I don't know because it's my fucking first time!!! I felt down at the loss of progress that I ended up feeling defeated similar to that boxer character meme, who looked like all the color has been sucked out only to have a white background and black lines diagonally placed on the character's silhouette. What was that guy's name again? I don't recall but I was doing his pose at the moment.

*Sigh* "At least I didn't lose everything" I stopped feeling down and just looked at the bright side of things. Not all of my progress disappeared, and I only lost like 5 tickets which took me less than an hour to get from the erased progress. I can just complete it once again so I should stop with the dramatic mood.

'What should I do now?' I wondered before having an answer as I slammed right hand on to my left open palm.

"Come to think of it, since Stoneheart was dealt with, class must be back and running. I should just go and see how that villainized now civilian Ivan is holding up" I muttered then looked at the boxes of eclairs, feeling some saliva drooping down my mouth, "But first I should eat- get rid of the evidence first" I added and by "get rid" I mean gobble every last eclair while re-accomplishing my past progress in HSR

(31 minutes later...)

"Ok, that was nice" I threw the empty boxes on to a trash can and sat down on my previous spot. Within that time, I changed my mind about going to school and just enjoyed the natural beauty of the park in Chloe's form. I felt at peace sitting there, "I doubt anything can ruin the mood." I said with an eye closed smile.
"... Wait I take by my" *Boom* I flinched at the sound before seeing a large shadow at where I stood. At that moment, I realized what happened and my flight or fight instincts kicked in. I took a deep breath and then did one move. A move that's a classic in the anime books


I started dashing away to one direction like a speeding Cheetah. I thought of who was behind me and I could only think it was Stoneheart. So I thought nope, I'm not fighting a villain, I'm weak so fuck that shit, I'm out of there no thank you!!!

I wasn't out of trouble yet as I turned my head to see Ivan holding a car. Ok, did Chloe bully Ivan yesterday or something because he just threw the car!!! I immediately swerved my body to the side, thankfully avoiding the large vehicle. I don't know where you're sulking Marinette but get your head together and fight the villain. I'm just a civilian for goodness sake!!!

'Please figure it out already!!! That your role is one of a star of the play Marinette. The one who takes the lead and WHERE THE HELL IS THAT MOTHERF*CKING CAT!!?!' Chloe cursed internally as she waits for the heroic duo to save her sorry ass from Stoneheart's assault

(A/N: The reason why Stoneheart is attacking Chloe is because of a curse that was set by the order of the world)

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