A Friend (?)

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Hello readers or fellow audience!!! This is Neo going to give you a recap. Now let's get to it.

Previously, Chloe met the original heroine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng but disguised as Furina De Fontaine. As Furina she got her order, left Marinette but not until she said something random but just right at the moment.

Marinette ended up taking what she said to heart. Chloe meanwhile cancelled her disguise before a few minutes later meeting Stoneheart.

Now, Chloe is cursing and panicking as she avoids the multiple attacks directed at her. She's just hoping that Marinette or Chat Noir can deal with the stone villain.

*Crash* *Alarm Setting Off* Ok. At the rate this moving block of stone is going, I'm dying from exhaustion before it hits me!!! That ain't good but fortunately it's currently throwing some stuff trying to find me. Bad news for Stoneheart, I'm in the opposite direction of where he's searching.

The sounds of alarm and cracks from the resulting damage continued to be heard only to stop as I saw the rock monster turn in to many pebbles which then headed to worards a certain direction. Seeing this occur, made speculate that Marinette must be fight the original body.

Yeah, what do I mean original? Well in the second part of origins is that because of the failed capture of the akuma, Ivan's villain form got buffed thanks to the strong negative emotions he felt. His buffed state was more terrifying as I recall there were multiple copies of him and just met one that's focus to rip one person apart.

Thankfully that problem seems to have been solved by Ladybug as she must've gotten the Original's attention. Now, I'll just return to the park, rest my tired body from that experience by sitting at an intact bench and wait for the heroine magic to take action or do it's thing.

Six minutes later, everything got reverted back to the way it was and after seeing that happen, I honestly am getting close being used to this supernatural and fictional occurances. It also made me just think 'meh' due to the other situations I've been through.

"Well, I should go back to school already" I said before adding in a sardonic tone "going back to school seems nice after" I scoffed at my own words then let out a small laugh

Ok let's not get sidetracked and just go to that institute already. Even if my current grade level is lower than my previous life, it's being overshadowed by my desire to see the heroine's shenanigans. What do I mean? Because there might be some good shitting drama playing in school that's what. On a related note, there's the words I heard from students I passby that there's a romantic irony.

So that got me thinking that the girl is in love with someone who's in love with her but both don't know that. Plus, it would be more ironic if one of them says their in love with someone even though that someone is infront of them, making it an indirect confession. I don't know about anyone else but I'd pay top dollar just to see that actually happen.

Now this time, for realsies, it's to get my lazy butt to school but first I need change my outfit. Which I did do in an alley way and by changing outfits, I meant use my vision to make a disguise and cover my current outfit. It's pretty much just clothes for my clothes.

 It's pretty much just clothes for my clothes

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I checked the clothes I now have and it will do but the jacket ahhh~~ yes the seems nice

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I checked the clothes I now have and it will do but the jacket ahhh~~ yes the seems nice.

(A/N:Mc likes coats, jackets and everything like that)

"Time to go to school" I said for about the 23rd time. I then walked towards the school's location, according to what I'm seeing in Google maps.

(8 minutes later...)
After a few minutes of walking, Chloe finally made it to the step of Francoise Dupont. She continued forward and went inside before then heading to her scheduled class.

Our blonde jacket loving protagonist entered the room to see that class has yet to begin. She continued her observation for a bit, landing her eyes to Ivan who seems to be doing well as he finally seemed to be in a relationship with Mylene.

Chloe smiled at the sight before shaking her head and showed a calm, indifferent expression. 'There's no need to think about it' she thought bluntly to herself before heading to her seat. Chloe took a seat before tilting her head to see the outside through the class window.

Chloe's mind was now drifting in places. She wondered what should she do this time to make friends. In her life as Samantha, she had many friends but it took a long while that she can describe that getting friends felt like getting a sudden chance. If you don't take the chance and friend them it'll disappear as fast as it appeared.

Living the life of a villainess (?) seems right to have made the chance of getting a friend with anyone likely impossible and this holds true as Samantha guessed correctly that OG Chloe is an obnoxious and a spoiled rich kid.

So what'll Chloe do to have friends? Taking it slow. 'There's no point of rushing change. I doubt they would believe it all of a sudden so, I'll just let- oh the teachers here' the blonde straightened her posture and Miss Bustier began another class that Samantha, the one possessing a vacant body would forget.


Ok, I absolutely have officially not learned anything today. I declared in my mind as I'm trying to recall the lessons. My mind was too occupied in non class related matters.

Now, I should play some HSR when I get back so I can have more than 50 tickets ready for Luocha's banner. Silverwolf is tempting to get in the early game but I'll pass- oof!!! Dang it I bumped into someone again!!!

I hope it's and it's Marinette!!! Loki or whoever planned this thank you and if no one did then lucky me!!! I laughed at seeing her again and I highly doubt this is me being getting a coincidence

"It's you again!!! Who would've guessed we'd be bumping again?" I genuinely questioned the chances before shaking my head, "Anyway it's a good thing that you're here right now because I want to ask you a question?"

Marinette was just standing there and said "What do you want to ask?" she said hesitantly. Man, the original makes me want to punish the heck out of her.

"Can I be your friend?" I said sheepishly and continued before Marinette could answer, "I honestly don't really remember much about you, anyone or even myself. But for some reason I only remember that I feel like you're a nice gal" I said to her. Now, was I too direct because I see Marinette looking like an old computer that lost it's ability to function. If so, haiyah me, you fucked up big time.

Miraculous Ladybug: I'm a Villainess!? Oh WellWhere stories live. Discover now