The special voting exam: tensions and strategies in the different classes.

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The day of the special voting exam had arrived, but there was no tension or anxiety in the air. In Class B, Hoshinomiya-sensei gathered the students to explain the new rules of the exam.

Hoshinomiya: Good morning, dear students. Today, I will once again present to you the rules of the special voting exam. In this exam, each student will have 3 praise votes and 3 criticism votes to give to other students in their class, followed by 5 additional rules.

Rule 1: Praise votes and criticism votes cancel each other out. Praise Votes - Criticism Votes = Results.

Rule 2: You cannot give praise or criticism votes to yourself.

Rule 3: Voting multiple times for the same person, casting a blank vote, abstaining from voting, and similar actions are prohibited.

Rule 4: The exam will be repeated until there are students in first and last place in case of a tie.

Rule 5: It is necessary to give an additional praise vote to a student from another class.

The students of Class B listened attentively to the rules, aware of how to use their praise and criticism votes, as the class had been debating for days on how to best utilize these points. They had found solutions and strategies to effectively use their votes, so now all the students felt more relaxed and confident in their approach to the special voting exam.


Meanwhile, in Class D, Chabashira-sensei was also explaining the new rules of the special voting exam to her students.

Chabashira: Those would be the rules for the exam. You have 10 minutes before it begins, you can do whatever you want in the meantime.

After finishing explaining the exam rules, Class D, which had been in a constant state of tension in recent days, felt the pressure of the upcoming special voting exam. The students would have to choose a student to be expelled.

Kushida: Horikita-san, do you have any ideas on what we should do for this exam? - The first to break the silence in the class was none other than Kushida Kikyo, a central figure in Class D.

Horikita, who had been silent, thinking deeply about how to carry out this exam, was interrupted by Kushida. A few seconds later, Horikita looked at her before responding.

Horikita: It is important that we be strategic with our votes. We must carefully consider whom to give our praise and criticism votes. We should not only think about individual merits but also how our decisions could affect the class dynamics and long-term relationships - she replied with her usual serious face. The students looked at their leader, listening attentively to her response, but no one spoke or gave their opinion, as many of them internally feared being chosen to be expelled.

Sudo: Suzune, as for the protection vote, I think it would be best if you have it, since you are the class leader and therefore the one most exposed to danger.

In this situation, Sudo is expressing his opinion to Suzune about the protection vote in the exam. He suggests that Suzune should have that vote due to her position as the class leader and the potential risks she could face.

Hirata: I agree with you, Sudo-kun. Horikita-san is the most suitable to have the protection vote, so we wouldn't have to worry about her safety in future exams. But as for the criticism votes... - Hirata shared his opinion but had a fearful expression on his face, remembering that one of their classmates could be expelled.

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