The Latent Challenge

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Ayanokouji stood in front of the cutting board, carefully observing the carrot resting in front of him. He held the knife with determination, recalling Ichinose's instructions on the proper cutting technique. With a precise movement, he began to slice the carrot, marveling at the vibrant orange hue that unfolded with each slice. The fresh, crunchy texture of the carrot under the knife's edge was a delight to his senses, and his mind immersed itself in the task with renewed concentration.

As Ayanokouji continued to cut the carrots with precision, the concentration on his face contrasted with the gleam of excitement shining in his eyes. He greatly enjoyed the culinary learning process, finding satisfaction in each cut that reflected his dedication to mastering this new skill.

Ichinose watched his progress with a smile of satisfaction, noting how Ayanokouji gracefully integrated the teachings with determination. "You seem to have mastered the technique quickly, Ayanokouji-kun," she commented approvingly, admiring his progress with genuine admiration. "You'll soon be quite the expert in the kitchen."

Ayanokouji nodded slightly, feeling a sense of accomplishment reflected in the spark of his eyes, although his serious expression didn't show his emotion. "Thank you for taking the time to teach me. I'm learning a lot," he replied sincerely, conveying his gratitude through his calm voice.

Ichinose understood that despite his seriousness, Ayanokouji enjoyed the culinary experience as much as she did. "It's a pleasure for me to see you develop this skill. Cooking is much more than just following recipes; it's also a way to connect with others," she explained warmly, acknowledging the importance of this moment in their relationship.

As the cooking class progressed, Ayanokouji experienced significant personal growth. Not only was he acquiring new culinary skills, but he was also discovering unexpected aspects of his own personality. Cooking was not only transforming his abilities but also his perspective on life.

As they continued preparing carrot sushi, the conversation between them flowed naturally. Through small gestures and comments, Ayanokouji demonstrated his gratitude and appreciation for the bond forming with Ichinose through cooking. Although unable to smile, his gaze revealed the satisfaction he felt in that moment, a silent connection that transcended words and strengthened their complicity.


After bidding farewell to my friends, I left the classroom with anticipation of meeting her. It had been three days since she sent that intriguing message inviting me to meet. Truth be told, I was quite curious to find out what our next conversation held in store for us. We had agreed to meet in a quiet place just behind the special building, probably without cameras watching us and thus ensuring our privacy, like last time.

As I walked, I was attentive to my surroundings, looking for cameras along the way. As I approached the destination, I noticed there were far fewer cameras and fewer people. In this secluded place, it was unlikely that anyone would appear by chance. I highly doubted that anyone would come here without a specific reason; the place was completely removed from crowded areas, creating a sense of isolation and mystery.

Upon reaching the agreed-upon location, I noticed the absence of cameras, as expected. It was evident that she had chosen a discreet corner free from prying eyes. The question lingering in my mind was: why this particular place?

"Thank you for coming, Ayanokouji-kun," a soft voice reached my ears. I turned around, and there she was, with her characteristic smile.

"Ayanokouji: I think a message from you is hard to ignore, and if I hadn't come on my own, you probably would have sent Kamuro to fetch me. I wanted to spare myself that," I replied.

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