the accident

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I wake up with a pounding head ache and Remember I have. A mission today I decided to leave snowy with the maid as I get in the car I drive to the area I get out and grab my bags  and start walking to the woods the same woods my boss that monster did this to me

Flash back
I stand ontop of him gun in hand he's  bleeding his metal hands in the fire I laugh "your running out of luck", I look at his bright blue eyes and he has a look in his face suddenly he's grabbing my face I fall back screaming his hand the metal hand from the fire is grabbing my face I hear him say "you should have just complied and joined me" I pass out from the pain-
End of flashback

I shake my head and mumble "what even happens to his hand" i walk and start climbing a tree i climb uo amd wait about four hours later the guys there i shoot all his guards in the heart then i shoot him in the head i walk to my car and relize he had the tires slashed groan and call him "kranoes he slashed my tires i need a pick up" he laughs and says "how about i come pick you up and we talk about last night" i eyes inder my mask "not like i have a choice" about an hour later i see the car pull up and i get in "so vakker" i quickly cut him off "i was drunk you where drunk" he looks at me "thats the most I've heard you speak but what i was gonna say was are you ok eliza told me your nightmares where worse" I freeze and turn my head away he sighs and stops the car "look at me" i turn amd look at him he cups my face and.unhooks my mask "i love you vakker youra beautiful" i stare at him "and i know you resent me but please understand i do love you" I sigh "one week" he raises a brow "you have one week to show me" he.chuckles "you must really like talking to me and deal a week is more then enough time for me" later that evening I fell asleep head on his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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